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Unscrew the bonnet by turning counterclockwise.


It may whirl either clockwise or counterclockwise.


Rotate the head clockwise and counterclockwise.


Use Method: Hold the handail with two hands. turn it in clockwise or counterclockwise wise direction.

使用方法: 双手握把手柄, 沿着圆弧顺时针或逆时针方向转动.

If the same process were counterclockwise the net work done by the system would be negative.


Using a Chemtrol spanner wrench, unscrew the seat - carrier ( Tru - Bloc Model - C ) by rotating in the counterclockwise direction.

使用一把Chemtrol活动扳手, 通过逆时针方向旋转拧松阀座支架 ( Tru -Bloc型号C ) 的螺纹.

Remove the battery holder by turning the battery holder screw counterclockwise with a coin.


The direction of the whirlpool, whether clockwise or counterclockwise, was also noted.

漩涡的方向, 不论是顺时针还是逆时针, 都会予以注意.

Males rotated their fields to the left or counterclockwise and females to the right or clockwise.


The first moment is clockwise and the second is counterclockwise.


Such storms spin counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.


Testers work both clockwise and counterclockwise, so you can easily measure torque while tightening and loosening pieces.

扭力测试仪可顺时针或逆时针测量扭力, 因此可方便地测量扭紧和扭松时的扭力.

Repeat the above step , but this time start pirouetting counterclockwise.


But the roller blade installation method for a clockwise and counterclockwise.


Repeat step 1, but this time make the rail rotor turn to the left ( counterclockwise ).

重覆执行步骤1, 但以逆时针的方向至少执行一次 360° 自旋.

To lower the reduced pressure turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise.


Rotate turn signal bulb socket counterclockwise, pull on bulb to remove.

逆时钟旋转转向信号灯灯泡插座, 拔下灯泡.

One is drawn out clockwise and the other is drawn out counterclockwise.


Using a wrench, loosen the diaphragm assembly by turning the hex bolt counterclockwise.

用扳手反时针方向旋转六角螺栓, 松开隔膜总成.

Fly a counterclockwise circle while rolling the helicopter to the right.


For air failure counterclockwise rotation, please rearrange the direction of piston as opposite side.

气源压力降低使输出轴向左回转时, 活塞的齿条部分应重新安装在齿轮轴的另一侧.

To lower the balance , turn front leveling feet counterclockwise.

电子天平下降, 左旋前面地脚螺栓.

These are the two driving forces for the counterclockwise rotation of Ordos block.


Holding the cage in one hand, push the seat inward and rotate counterclockwise against the cage.

用一只手握住阀笼, 向内推阀座并顺、反时针方向旋转阀笼.

Repeat flying a counterclockwise circle, but this time rolling the helicopter to the left.

以直升机向左侧滚的方式, 执行逆时针方向的水平圆.

Viewed from the driving end, this pump rotates in counterclockwise direction.


Howeer, in our study, the counterclockwise whirlpool was not found in any patient.

然而, 在我们的研究病例中并没有发现逆时针漩涡征.

Rotate the head clockwise and counterclockwise.







