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dissonant voices'/notes


As such dissonance is healed, the opportunity for a recovery can come forth.

当这样的冲突被疗愈, 痊愈的良机会展现.

Psychologists talk about ego , id, and cognitive dissonance.

心理学家讨论利己主义 、 本能冲动和感知不协调.

The augmented fourth is also a dissonance, an unstable interval that needs to move consonance.


The resolution of one dissonance is often the preparation for another dissonance.


For an example, have a look at my report of this classic study of cognitive dissonance.


It's a role he relishes, particularly for the cognitive dissonance It'serves up : A Republican Deadhead?

这是他很喜欢的一个角色, 尤其因为它提供了认知不和谐的旋律: 一个共和党的庸人?

Music To cause ( a tone or chord ) to progress from dissonance to consonance.

使 ( 音调或和弦 ) 从不和谐向和谐发展.

Minerals can also be programmed into dissonance.


The music of Wagner was distinguished by startling innovations in chord progressions and dissonance.


Cognitive dissonance is also applied to a perceived incongruity between a person's attitudes and his behaviour.


Music To lead up to and soften ( a dissonance or its impact ) by means of preparation.

通过准备调渐渐引入并柔和 ( 不和谐音及其冲击 )

The concerts were more enjoyable without all the horrid modern dissonance which nobody really understood.


Such dissonance is related to conflict between the masculine and feminine or the body and soul.


To lead up to and soften ( a dissonance or its impact ) by means of preparation.

调(音)通过准备调渐渐引入并柔和 ( 不和谐音及其冲击 )

dissonance among the three partners doomed the project.


In acoustics he studied the propagation of sound and musical consonance and dissonance.


According to Festinger s cognitive dissonance theory, peoples cognitive system has a tendency to keep consonance.

费斯汀格认知不协调理论认为, 人的认知系统有保持协调一致的倾向.






