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And dost thou go to meet him in the nighttime? '

你是在夜里去见他的 吗 ? ”

' dost thou think the child will be glad to know me? '

“ 你看孩子会高兴认识我 吗 ? ”

' Thou strange child! Why dost thou not come to me? '

“ 你这个怪孩子, 为什么不到我身边来 呢 ? ”

' dost thou know me so little, Hester Prynne?

“ 难道你这么不了解我吗, 海丝特-白兰?

dost thou not see what I would say?

你难道还不明白我要说的话 吗 ?

' dost thou not think her beautiful?

“ 你难道不认为她很美 吗 ?

' Wherefore dost thou desire it? '

“ 你为什么要这样 呢 ? ”

dost thou know the man?

你认识那人 吗 ?

' dost thou mock me now?'said the minister.

“ 你在拿我开心 吗 ? ” 牧师说.

' Why dost thou smile so at me? '

“ 你干嘛要这样子冲我笑? ”

And thou, Arthur Dimmesdale , dost thou yet live? '

而你呢, 阿瑟-丁梅斯代尔, 你还活着 吗 ? ”

But why does he not wear it outside his bosom , as thou dost, mother? '

可是他干嘛不像你一样,把记号戴在胸口外面呢, 妈妈? ”

Beloved, dost thou love ? or did I see all.


Emilia . Thou dost belie her, and thou art a devil.

爱米利娅你冤枉她, 你是个魔鬼.

Say again, and again. That thou dost love me.

再说一遍, 请再说一遍: 你真的爱我.






