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当前位置:首页 单词大全 dragon

This jade dragon is a genuine antique.


dragons are described as monsters in most western countries.


The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon.


dragon born dragon, chellocken born chellocken, mouse son can make hole!

龙生龙, 凤生凤, 耗子的儿子会打洞!

To the pounding beat of the drums and cymbals, the dragon began to dance.

锣鼓不住地响着, 龙灯开始舞动了.

Nini Semiothisa clothing colors with green, he is a red Little dragon Flying Swallow.

妮妮的服装颜色用国槐绿, 他的肚兜是一只红色的小燕子.

This caster makes a mechanical dragon covered with thick iron plates.


Just like a huge dragon winding its way over the rolling mountains.


The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon, fucks the princess and kills her, then leaves.

主角来到城堡, 杀死恶龙, 强暴了公主后杀死她, 最后离开.

For Luhuitou then we have Peninsula dragon Bay.


Scherza said, looking up to the dragon with a newfound respect.

丝屈哲说着, 一边用一种全新的眼光抬头看着红龙.

Beijing dragon commercial, address: kaixuan road intersection with red flag to corner!

京龙商贸城, 地址: 凯旋路与红旗路交叉口东北角就到!

This means that the dragon Scimitar is a good Slashing Weapon.


One day, while he was catching flies , a dragon fly passed by.

一天, 他正在捉虫子, 一个飞龙飞来.

Join us and earn a dragon Phoenix wine appreciation certificate as well!


dragon, dragon, please tell me why you always after the pearl?

龙啊龙, 请你告诉我你为什么要戏珠?

Above the throne is a gold painted caisson , or coffered ceiling, with dragon designs.


Chaging your Habbo clothes again? Best stand behind one of these! dragon Screen costs 8 Credits.

想要更换你的哈宝衣服 吗 ?最适合站在它的后面! 龙屏风价值8哈币.

And a baby dragon pops out!


The protagonist completes the duett by adding the beast part, while the dragon plays the flute.

英雄来了,为她的歌声添加上对歌中的兽声部分, 而恶龙在一旁演奏竖笛.

What insect flies like a dragon?


This Wikipedian the blood of the Chinese dragon flowing through.


The second kind is a hornless ocean dragon, sometimes equated with a sea serpent.

第二种是无角的海龙, 有时候相仿于一条大海蛇.

May : Yes ! Actually, the dragon Boat Festival is coming soon!

有 呀! 实际上, 端午节就快到了!

The image file he sent and is attached, shows only the seal of the dragon King.

这个由他寄来的附呈图档, 仅显现〝龙王之印″.

Besides, the artistic touch can influence the expression of dragon dance rhythms.

此外, 艺术素养也会影响舞龙节奏的表达.

Yellows are the fourth rarest dragon of all , Platinum Chromatic dragons.

黄龙是除金龙、白金龙 、 五彩龙之外最稀有的.

His wife is an absolute dragon!


No one came into dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat.


The landscape of the Great Wall is like a dragon.


St George slew the dragon.


  1. The dragon is the symbol of China.
  2. dragons are legendary animals.
  3. His wife is an absolute dragon!
  • Saint George, that swing'd the dragon.

    出自:King John,Shakespeare
  • They..faced the dragon's breath of fire.

    出自:Sir W. Scott






