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...unnecessary duplication of resources.


Once the tests run you ask yourself, did you remove all the duplication?

一旦测试通过,你接着就该问自己, 是否所有的重复代码都被清除干净了?

Continuous computer check achieved by duplication of hardware and comparison of results.


Ancient genome duplication ( events ) have been identified in diverse organisms , such as yeast, vertebrates, and Arabidopsis.

古老的基因组 加倍 事件已经在多个物种中被确定, 包括酵母 、 脊椎动物以及拟南芥等.

Any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication by the unintended recipient is strictly prohibited.

非指定收件人不得对本邮件进行任何形式的查阅 、 宣传 、 散布或复制.

Using the snapshot duplication technology , it comes to a better realization of the data duplication deployment.

利用快照复制技术, 较好的实现了数据复制部署.

Unauthorized duplication of our music is partnership with piracy. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

未经我们授权而复制我们的音乐是不正确的行为,请不要与盗版商成为夥伴, 谢谢您的谅解与合作!

This business model must be on the network copy a large amount of duplication.


We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.


It is a type of cloning that involves the duplication of embryos for stem cell research.


The inferior vena cava duplication is a rare congenital anomaly.


Results 18 cases of renal duplication were diagnosed by CTU, confirmed by operation.

结果 CTU诊断 重复肾输尿管18例,合并重复输尿管下端囊肿8例,重复输尿管异位开口10例, 全部经手术证实.

For credit card payment, please either fax OR mail back in order to avoid duplication.

如以信用咭付款, 请只传真或邮寄予本局以避免重覆处理.

duplication always implies coupling, because changing one piece of duplicate code implies changing the other.

复制就意味着耦合, 因为改变一条复制的代码意味着改变另一个代码.

In this way we will avoid duplication of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac errors.


This paper speaks in recommendation of a plan of safety unit with duplication loading of mortar.


duplication of test report is invalid without the appropriate stamp of the test department on it.


duplication is allowed and Committee reserved the right of final explanation.


As items are chosen they are crossed off the list to avoid duplication.


Methods CT and ultrasonography ( US ) of 6 cases with enteric duplication tubular cyst were analyzed.

方法 研究分析6例经手术病理证实的儿童管型肠重复畸形的CT、超声及胃肠造影 ( GI ) 资料.

In addition to being wasteful, duplication may be inconvenient and irritating to consumers.

重复投资不仅造成浪费, 也会给消费者带来不便和激起不满.

This contract is made out in duplication and each party holds one.


Alimentary tract duplication is a rare congenital malformations.


Misspelling of patients'names has resulted in the duplication of records causing inaccuracy in patients'data.


The contract is in duplication. Both parties shall hold each one of the original copies.

、本协议一式二份, 甲乙双方各执一份.

No one who isn't directly involved would ever believe the incredible duplication and futility.


Duties have been reassigned to avoid wasteful duplication of work.


Try to avoid wasteful duplication of effort.







