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Truscott's verbosity made it hard to separate plain fact from decorative embellishment.


I am sensible they might tend very much to the embellishment of my paper.


His articles are natural and without embellishment.


embellishment of space and beautify life!


Gradually we once strangers to shed tears is superfluous embellishment, I to whom?

渐渐地,我们曾经陌生人流出了眼泪是多余的点缀, 我是属于谁 呢 ?

Its most important communicative principles include principle of evasiveness, principle of politeness, principle of embellishment.

它最主要的原则有:避讳原则,礼貌原则, 掩饰 、 美化原则.

The very laborer , with his thatched cottage and narrow slip of ground, attends to their embellishment.

劳其力者,虽居茅庐陋室, 耕方寸薄地, 亦知修身饰居.

The towers were notable for the relationship of their simple, light embellishment to their underlying structure.

该塔是显着的关系,其简单, 轻点缀其基本结构.

I would like to design shoes are purple, and above there are some nice pictures embellishment.

我想设计的皮鞋是紫色的, 上面有一些漂亮的图片点缀.

A word or phrase interpolated as an embellishment in the sung parts of certain medieval liturgies.


A master packager knows how to integrate art and any traces of embellishment.







