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glycerol is a constituent of all fats and phospholipids.


I convert the crisp fat in Joe's breakfast bacon into fatty acids and glycerol.


We split a fat into glycerol and fatty acids.


Ingredients: Rose extract, whitening factor, rrimethylglycine, glycerol, propylene glycol, silicone.

成分: 玫瑰提取液, 美白因子, 三甲基甘氨酸, 甘油, 丙二醇, 硅酮.

Microbial production of glycerol have various characters in production raw, mechanism recovery.

微生物合成丙三醇在生产原料 、 生产机制、提取方面各具特点.

The worldwide production processes of epoxy chloropropane from glycerol are introduced.


The glycerol is converted into dihydroxyacetone phosphate which enters glycolysis.


Fish Gelatin, glycerol , Essential oil of orange, Copper Chlorophyll.

鱼类明胶, 甘油, 香橙精华, 铜叶绿素.

Gelatin, glycerol , Essential oil of orange, Titanium dioxide, Copper Chlorophyll.

明胶, 甘油, 香橙精华, 二氧化钛, 铜叶绿素.

A widely used durable synthetic resin derived from glycerol and phthalic anhydride.

醇''.'酸'.''树脂从丙三醇和酞''.'酸'.''''.'酐'. ''中提炼出的一种应用范围很广的耐用合成树脂.

Objective To study the mechanism of glycerol in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.


Kinetic behavior of condensation reaction of acetone and glycerol was experimentally studied.


Acylglycerol ( glyceride ) An ester of glycerol and one or more fatty acids.


Ingredients: olive extract, moisturizing factor, rrimethylglycine, glycerol, propylene glycol, silicone.

成分: 橄榄提取液, 保湿因子, 三甲基甘氨酸, 甘油, 丙二醇, 硅酮.

Ingredients: Rose extract, whitening factor, moisturizing factor, rrimethylglycine, glycerol, propylene glycol.

成分: 玫瑰提取液, 美白因子, 保湿因子, 三甲基甘氨酸, 甘油, 丙二醇.






