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She expresses her individuality through her clothes.


People should be free to express their individuality...


This will give your promotional material individuality and style.


Alumni resources have the characteristics of definiteness and indefiniteness , visibility and invisibility, individuality and group identity.

它具有确定性和不确定性、有形性与无形性 、 个体性和群体性等特点.

The small items of handcrafted furniture give individuality to the room.


Their individuality is all bright, has asks for happy vivid and the pleasant to hear name.

他们个个个性鲜明, 有讨喜的形象和好听的名字.

We should respect individuality.


I value individuality, and strive to meet the needs of each student.

我很注重教学的个性化, 力求满足不同学生的不同需求.

individuality. Great in everything except Police Line Ups.

有形. 都是好的,除非它会是使警方热线更忙.

It is multifunctional software product, having unique features and accentuating the individuality of the owner.

它是个多功能软件, 有独特的功能且突出主人的个性.

individuality is an important part of the symphony.


But how can you compete with individuality?

但你怎么能同个性竞争 呢 ?

This book will help you recognize your individuality.


Houses in the suburbs often have no individuality.


You're forced to reach down into the depths of your identity and individuality.


Carries on the individuality expression then is to the conceptual design further integrity, emotion revealing.

进行个性表达则是对概念设计进一步整体性 、 情感化的表露.

But she is more: Li represents unabashed individuality and that's why she's a national icon.

但是,李宇春确实拥有更多含义: 她代表了张扬的个性,这就是她成为全国偶像的原因.

Teaching individuality a topic of general interest in contemporary research on education and teaching.


Each person's uniqueness must be valued ; individual assignment and appraisal procedures must take individuality into account.


The similarities between identical twins often cause us to overlook their individuality.


Those persons conveniently ignore such critical concepts as freedom of choice, motivation, and individuality.

这些人轻易就把一些重要概念忽略掉了,比如自由选择权 、 激励和个性.

The QQ space individuality title block, where is input code that address?

QQ空间个性标题栏, 输入代码那个地址是哪里 啊 ?

The pattern used was that of God's very Being: spirit, mind, individuality; cause, action, effect.

所采用的形式是上帝存在的形式: 灵 、 心灵 、 个性; 原因 、 行动 、 结果.

In China, the models of doors are generally monotonous, given poor aesthetics and individuality.

目前,我国住宅门的造型设计样式单一, 还达不到美观和个性化的要求.

The individuals , who joined, though retained their individuality of, do not react as individuals any more.

加入唱诗班的人, 虽然保留了他们的个性, 不再觉得自己是一个个体.

Learning right, as a bundle of rights, of Free Learning , Learning Condition Guarantee, and individuality Development.

学习权作为一个权利束, 由学习自由权 、 学习条件保障权和个性发展权三大类权利构成.

She expresses her individuality through her clothes.


This will give your promotional material individuality and style.


The dress reflects our signature style of understated elegance with a strong feeling of individuality.


  • It is parents who give their children a sense of self, enjoyment in their individuality.

    出自:J. McDougall







