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An innovational hierarchy algorithm was presented to enhance and purify fingerprint features.


In a cyberspace, the interactive mode between teachers and students will take an innovational change.


One of this articles innovational points is introducing network technology to optimize SCM, and I paid great of writings on this.


An innovational hierarchy algorithm was presented to enhance and purify fingerprint features.


Resu lt Carrying out a series of innovational education measures through teaching in person.


So, upgrading the innovational ability is the only way of enterprises yielding and developing.

因此, 提升创新能力是企业生产和发展的必由之路.

So if people want to be an outstanding leader, they have to train their innovational brain.

所以,如果人们想成为一名商界精英, 他们就必须训练他们的创新思维.

University students will be cultivated with chemical background, experimental skills and innovational consciousness.

通过设计性综合实验,培养学生化学素养 、 实验技能和创新意识.

The aim of industry - nurturing - agriculture is not only subsidization and compensation, also establish innovational agriculture.

工业反哺农业的目的不仅仅是补偿和补贴, 更重要的是建立创新农业.

Conclusion Pointing out the status and function of innovational instruction in the course of foundational education.


In this paper, innovational and generalized, which are used in different stage of productive innovation process.

分析归纳了产品创新不同阶段常用的创新技法, 介绍了基于创新技法的计算机辅助产品创新系统的总体方案设计.






