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The deodorant has a soft jasmine fragrance.


A faint perfume of jasmine came through the window.


The fragrance is a subtle blend of jasmine and sandalwood.


The jasmine is in flower.


On the summer afternoons, the yard is filled with shining sunshine, birds twitter and fragrant jasmine.

盛夏的午后, 阳光斑驳的散落进来, 有清脆的鸟叫和满院茉莉的清幽在流动.

He said that the leaves of his jasmine plant had turned yellow.


Geranium , Carrot Seeed, jasmine , Evening Primrose, Grapeseed and so on.

天竺葵 、 葫萝卜籽、葡萄籽 、 茉莉、月见草等.

To enjoy jasmine tea is to enjoy its fragrance.


The annual spring and autumn, also held here grand winter jasmine and Juzhan.


More than the summer of jasmine tea, green tea, green tea Shaandan polydipsia winter.

夏天多茉莉花茶 、 绿茶 、 冬天多饮陕青茶.

You can choose lots of different kinds of tea. There's jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavors.

有很多种类供你选择. 有茉莉花茶, 菊花茶, 很多不同的口味.

And jasmine tea as well.


With high quality oolong tea, tea, tea, jasmine teatea, American ginseng.

也可与优质乌龙茶 、 红茶 、 绿茶 、 花茶 、 花旗参等一并冲泡.

A You can choose lots of different kinds of tea. There's jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavours.

A有很多种类供你选择. 有茉莉花茶, 菊花茶, 很多不同的口味.

jasmine, Saving Face and Sunflower will be released in 2005.


They're all delicious, but I'll have the jasmine tea this time.

它们都是可口的好茶, 但是这回我选香片好了.

I like jasmine tea best of all.


It was in a plastic bottle, looked like jasmine tea, but was extremely strong.

它是在塑料瓶, 看起来像茉莉花茶, 但是极端强的.

Early spring , winter jasmine opened their beautiful smiling faces, the spring release of information.

初春, 迎春花张开了美丽的笑脸, 发布着春天的信息.

Allen: I don't care what you say. I love jasmine and she loves me!

我不介意你说什么. 我爱茉莉,而且她也爱我!

There's jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavours.

有茉莉花茶, 菊花茶, 很多不同的口味.

jasmine: What about you, Matthew?

嘉思明: 那么你呢, 马修?

We serve Wu Long tea 'u3001 black tea 'u3001 green tea 'u3001 jasmine tea and Chrysanthemum tea.


You can smell the perfume of jasmine.


Oriental beauty is fresh jasmine flowers for the core, with refined from Baekho Silver Needle.

“东方美人”是以新鲜的茉莉花为花芯, 用白毫银针精制而成.

Also introduced winter jasmine flower market memorial arch manufacture and so on contents.


I love to smell the fragrance of jasmine flowers.


jasmine flowers scent the air.








