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It wasn awarded by the linesman, but by the referee from quite a distance.

这不是边裁判断的, 而是在很长距离之外的主裁判判的.

But the linesman was close to what happened.


Liverpool scored, if you can say that they scored , because maybe you should say linesman scored.

利物浦进球了, 如果你能这样说的话, 因为也许你应该说边裁进球了.

The linesman gave it despite Gallas being between him and the ball.


A linesman signaled side, but referee overruled him and ordered play on.

一个巡边员做手势表示“出界”, 但裁判员否决了他的裁定并命令“继续进行比赛”.

I associate the referee and the linesman in the same team the Chelsea team.


That football player appealed to the linesman.


This time, like a rocket [ the linesman raised his arm ].

但这次却像火箭 ( 边裁举旗 ).

There are also linesman, ball boys net cord officials , field officials and scorers.

其他还有巡边员 、 第四官员和记分员.

The linesman raised his flag to signal that the ball was out of play.


Officials include a referee, an umpire, a scorer and four linesman.

裁判人员包括主裁判 、 副裁判 、 记分员各1名和4名司线员.

Even if the linesman has doubts, he has to give advantage to the attacking team.

尽管边裁有疑问, 也应当保证进攻方的利益.

I think a person must be blind to get a job as a linesman.







