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Because of the death of his mother he is listless all day.


She was very listless after her illness.


People are always listless on summer afternoons.


Many people feel listless on rainy days.


The illness left her feeling listless and depressed.


He was listless and pale and wouldn't eat much.


So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.

于是我们干著琐碎的事情, 几乎意识不到我们对生活的倦怠态度.

After it was taken by the authorities from Danbury, Ricey acted very listless.

婴儿被丹伯里当局领去之后, 蕾茜显得心神不安.

So we about our petty tasks , hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.

所以我们忙于琐事, 意识不到我们对于生活无精打采的懒散态度.

The weather is drowsy in spring and makes everyone listless.


He greeted the jeweller for whom he worked with a listless turn of his hand.


After another leg of the journey the donkey became listless , the master again lightened his burden.


Who would they choose under shroud a listless sun?


The girls sat listless, leaning against each other.

姑娘们没精打采的, 互相依偎着坐在那里.

He was too stupid, or of late had become too listless.

他人太笨, 要不就是最近变得太懒散.

So we go about our pretty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.

因此,我们忙于琐事, 几乎没有意识到自己对待生命的冷漠态度.

A hot , sticky day makes a person listless.


We were disappointed at his listless attitude.


People are always listless on summer afternoons.


A maze of desires, emotions ripened prematurely languorous and listless moods, all written on my face.

错综的心愿, 早熟的感情,太多冷漠的情绪, 全写在脸上.

Doing nothing will make one listless.


With Chelsea so listless , a goal out of nowhere was needed, and from nowhere it arrived.

无精打采的切尔西急需一个进球的时候, 这个进球就来了.

Because of the death of his mother he is listless all day.


So we go about our petty task, expertly aware not of our listless attitude facings life.

所以咱们为琐事奔波, 并么有意识到咱们对待西方全国全国日常表达的态度是冷漠的.

The pettishness that might be caressed into fondness had yielded to a listless apathy.


If he imposes his view too firmly , his characters become listless puppets.

如果他坚持成见, 他笔下的人物就变成恹恹没有生气的傀儡.

Who would they choose under shroud of a listless sun?

在无精打采的太阳的笼罩下,我么会选择谁 呢 ?

Some of the children are in wheelchairs, listless , their heads lolling to one side.

有些孩子坐在轮椅里,情绪低落, 手懒洋洋地倚靠在一边.

The child looks a bit listless . I'm afraid he's not well.


She was very listless after her illness.


The sun makes people listless, not wanting to do anything.

太阳照得人昏昏的, 什么事情也不想做.

I am listless, I am a wanderer in my heart.

我心绪不宁, 我是自己心中的流浪者.

B: Are you insane? The examination makes everybody listless.

你疯了 吗 ?考试搞得大家都无精打采的.

  • James' growing indifference was reflected in the boys' bored and listless play.

    出自:S. Raven
  • She was so listless, all her old sparkle gone.

    出自:N. Bawden
  • Humiliation and a sense of futility caused apathetic, listless, states of mind.

    出自:A. Hutschnecker








