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I continued working. meantime, he went out shopping.


The new software will be available in the spring. meantime, users with problems can call our helpline.


I like skiing and in the meantime, I know it is very dangerous.


You buy the fruits, in the meantime I'll cook breakfast.


I mean he used mean means in the meantime on the ocean.


In the meantime, we returned to Singapore just for a few days to attend the commissioning service organized by our home church Hebron BP.


I'm changing my email address but for the meantime you can use the old one.


My first novel was rejected by six publishers. In the meantime I had written a play.


I'll contact them soon. meantime don't tell them I'm back.


Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult, but in the meantime she relies on your support...


It now hopes to hold elections in February. meantime, the state will continue to be run from Delhi.


The Prime Minister has, for the meantime, seen off the challenge of the opposition...


For the meantime, the opinion polls have to be taken on trust.


meantime new arrest in the killings of two soldiers days before the officer's death.


In the meantime the police were notified.


This meantime, affirmation also should produce cost.

这其间, 肯定也要发生费用.

And in the meantime , it makes a preliminary research for selecting the crude oil storage base.

对我国石油储备方式及基地选址进行初步探讨, 并做了一些前期研究工作.

Concerning the building of hardware, the company pays more attention to advance quality in the meantime.

公司在注重硬件建设的同时, 更加注重质量的不断提升.

Authority must have expressed its displeasure in the meantime.


Make clear these two concepts and meantime relation, have great and academic content and practice sense.

弄清这两个概念及其间关系, 有重大理论意义和实践意义.

meantime, this article gives some estimation methods for the parameters in the model.

同时, 给出该模型中参数的估计方法.

In the meantime, rival camps are trading accusations of vote fraud.

与此同时, 敌对阵营相互指责诈选.

In the meantime, student government is changed scientifically , must a whole system system is guarantor card.

同时, 学员管理科学化, 必须有一套完整的制度体系作保证.

So convenience management unify of layer management and decision, provided a work efficiency in the meantime.

这样就方便了管理层的统一管理和决策, 同时提供了工作效率.

In the meantime, people are back in the shops.

与此同时, 人们也开始重新购买电动自行车.

In the meantime, the driver had to sweep up hundreds of broken bottles.

同时, 卡车四季不得不清除数百个破裂的瓶子.

In the meantime, want to accelerate a city change construction, drive rural labor move.

同时, 要加快城市化建设, 推进农村劳动力转移.

In the meantime Henry Luce's Time and Life magazines, while often disregarding their own correspondents?

当时鼓吹援蒋的还有亨利·斯的《时代》和《生活》杂志, 这两家杂志常常把自家记者发回的报导丢在一边不用,却特派蒲立特去中国采访.

In the meantime, some within the LDP call for rates to be cut to zero again.


In the meantime Grief was whispering a few words in Ieremia's ear.


In the meantime the protoplanet cores were proceeding to consolidate.


meantime he was loading the pistols.


I'll contact them soon. meantime don't tell them I'm back.


  • In the meantime that hundred pounds must be sent.

    出自:D. Eden
  • Other books on the same subject are liable to be published in the meantime.

    出自:H. Acton
  • The telephone will..redial the number, even if you've hung up in the meantime.







