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Get on with life and don't sit back and mope.


He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet.

他不是那种忧郁的人, 只是好思考,不多说话.

Was there any use buying Dilcey if she was going to mope about the child?


mope around He's been moping around ( the house ) all day.

他整天都在 ( 房子 ) 周围瞎转悠.

Don't mope around the house like that go for a walk.


Don't mope round the house like that -- go for a walk.

别在家里那样闷闷不乐地闲荡 —— 去散散步.

He is mope, only thoughtful and quiet.

他“不”是那种忧郁的人, 只是“好”思考,“不”多说话.

Am I mope?'the hedgehog smile and reply.

“我忧郁 吗 ? ” 刺猬轻轻地笑了.

Why do you wait and mope?


When my dad lost his job, he would just mope around the house all day.

如果我爸爸丢了工作, 他就整天呆在家里闷闷不乐.

It's a magic you are just right to me when I strait and mope.

当我困难和不开心的时候,你就会恰恰好出现在我面前. 这 真 是不可思议.

Go out and have some fun, child. Don't mope about in the house all day.

孩子,出去玩玩吧. 别总是没精打采地在屋里打转.

Why do you always so mope?'asked the fish lightly to the hedgehog.

“为什么你总是那么忧郁 呢 ?”鱼默默地问刺猬.

  • The town seemed full of almost useless men moping at street corners.

    出自:D. Welch
  • I would mope about the apartment with my hands in my pockets.

    出自:A. West
  • Get out into the open. Don't mope around.

    出自:M. Gordon









