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One is the employment-housing nexus.


Furthermore,we think about how to introduce the research on the law?finance nexus to China's economic reality.


The Prayer Book has provided a flexible enough nexus of beliefs to hold together the different church parties.


...the nexus between the dominant class and the State.


White theme designed by Livid, this blog is proudly powered by Project nexus.

嗯,还是白色主题好看些, 黑色的只有一篇文章时很丑陋.

Before he could respond, Ayenden's attention was drawn to a commotion atop the nexus platform.

艾登还没来得及答话, 传送月台上忽然出现的骚动吸引了他.

Meanwhile, the government also played a certain role in the nexus.

同时, 这一部分也起到了一定的承上启下的作用.

The close nexus between Washington and Wall Street is eroding trust in government.


I just disenchanted one into a nexus.


If you want an Android phone right now, get a nexus One.

如果你想现在入手一台Android手机, 买NexusOne吧.

The relation between a subject and its predicate is sometimes called a nexus.


To a growing group of information war technologists, it is the nexus of fantasy and reality.

对一组成长的信息战专家, 它是幻想和现实的连结.

Torso Action: the backbone of the body trunk, nexus, connecting his head and limbs.

躯干动作: 躯干是人体的支柱, 承上启下, 连接着头及四肢.

The cell phone has become the nexus of our sales activities because it enables efficient coordination.


Retaliation: Shield Wall Recklessness cooldowns have been removed , now requires a nexus Crystal to activate.


This paper presents some research works on the law? finance nexus.


The nexus of poisons and terror is new. The nexus of Iraq and terror is old.

毒剂与恐怖的联系是个新的方式, 但伊拉克与恐怖的联系有长久的历史.

Shared ambition is the vital nexus between them.


The Prayer Book has provided a flexible enough nexus of beliefs to hold together the different church parties.


  • The nexus between the new growth of wealth and good government.

    出自:E. Gellner
  • Embedded in a family and social nexus.

    出自:A. Storr







