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Launch the pct tool as described previously.


Select a profile type on the first step of the pct wizard.


It is better never to let yourself believe that you are 100 pct sure of anything.


Patients with an abnormal pct should be screened for an infectious etiology.


The preparation, properties and applications of pct were summarized.

概述了PCT的制备 、 性能和应用.

Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of serum procalcitonin ( pct ) level of children infectious diarrhea.

目的探讨降钙素原(PCT ) 对儿童感染性腹泻的诊断价值.

All of these have relied on phase controlled thyristors ( pct ) , offering the higher power control.

所有这些都依赖于能提供更大功率控制的相控晶闸管 ( pct ).

pct level increased in those with premature rupture of membranes ( PROM ) time 6 hr ( P < 0.005 ).

早破水超过6小时存在潜在的 感染因素,可使PCT水平显著升高 ( p<0.005 ).

States have more completely independent intellectual property rights and pct international patent protection.


Objective To investigate the clinical significance of serum procalcitonin ( pct ) andendotoxin to the diggnosis of sepsis.

目的 探讨血清 PCT 和内毒素在诊断脓毒症中的价值,并明确两者的相关性.

Objective To evaluate clinical diagnosis value of procalcitionin ( pct ) in old patients with acute infectious disease.

目的探讨降钙素原 ( PCT ) 对老年患者急性感染性疾病鉴别诊断的临床意义.

The ECE - 1 expression was measured by RT - pct and Western bloting.

RT -PCR 检测转染细胞ECE-1mRNA的表达,Westernbloting检测细胞ECE蛋白表达情况.

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Nephron included renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule ( pct ), medullary loop , distal convoluted tubule ( DCI ), and connected tubule.

肾单位包括肾小球 、 近曲小管 、 髓袢 、 远曲小臂和连接小管5部分.

Some of our agencies are at new business conversion rates higher than 80 pct.


Results: pct 、 CRP and IL - 6 blood level increased significantly in severe infection disease, but pct increased more signifi - cantly ( P & lt; 0.01 ).

结果: 重症感染时,血清PCT、CRP和IL -6 浓度升高均有显著性, 但PCT显著性更高 ( P & lt; 0.01 ).






