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The best treatment is antibiotics, preferably by injection.

最佳的治疗方法是使用抗生素, 能够注射就更好.

You may come, preferably, in the morning.


The sensitizer is preferably encapulsated in quite small capsules of a solid.


They want to buy a new house, near the sea preferably.

他们要购买一所新房子, 最好在海边.

I might travel by York or preferably by Preston.


They should be available, preferably printed and distributed before the meeting.

所有资料都要准备好, 最好在会议前印好并分发出去.

The particles are preferably prepared by the limited coalescence polymerization technique.


It is for the same reason that atomic weapons are preferably called " nuclear weapons ".

由于同样原因,把 原子武器 称作核武器会更合适些.

The predetermined solution viscosity of the thickened solution should preferably be above 600 centipoises.


The neural network can preferably solve the non - linear problem.


First , order to maintain good tone, preferably a chewing gum before kissing.

为了保持好口气, 最好在接吻前嚼一嚼口香糖.

University education , preferably in Finance, Business Administration or related subject.

大学毕业, 财务 、 工商管理或其他相关专业.

Minimum 5 years working experience in IT - related field, preferably that in MNC.

至少5年以上IT业的工作经历, 有在跨国公司工作的经历更佳.

The calculated results showed that ZMS adsorbent adsorbs preferably oxygen to nitrogen.


To cater for all eventualities, preferably notarized Department requested notarized.

为防万一, 最好请公证处公证.






