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The challenge offended their sensibilities.


She could see that Drouet did not have the keenest sensibilities.


Cold and ugliness were a good tonic for relaxed sensibilities.


Lovelock brought an engineer's sensibilities to the analysis of Mother Earth.


The vital center and source of one's being, emotions, and sensibilities.

某人生存 、 情感及感情的重要中心或源泉.

The sufferings of the Cuban people shocked our sensibilities ( George F. Kennan )

古巴人民的苦难冲撞着我们的情感 ( 乔治F. 凯南 )

We have to be careful not to offend our readers'sensibilities.


Their earthy sensibilities are best suited to jobs that involve material goods.


You can't any further down, any further away from innate human sensibilities.

你无法继续往下, 无法再偏离人类生来的感官一点儿.

Long familiarity with danger, too , had blunted his sensibilities.

由于长期以来一直与危险打交道, 他已经对危险麻木不仁了.

Her sensibilities are wounded.


You take that old - style music and filter it through your youthful sensibilities, bridging the generations.

你们采用那 老式 风格的音乐,并用年轻而敏锐的感受力过滤它,在年代间架起了桥梁.

Opponents saw the media as a threat to their sensibilities or, on occasion, their livelihoods.

对手把媒介看作了对他们的敏感或偶而的威胁, 他们的生计.

If I have enough sensibilities, I may identify the heroine's feeling in the movie.

如果我够感性, 我也许能与那电影中女主角感同身受.

Whipping and abuse are like laudanum; you have to double the dose as the sensibilities decline.

谩骂与鞭打就好像鸦片, 敏感度降低时,必须加重其药量.

  • Man's sensibility to his fellow man's needs..seeks expression in the..ministrations of the counsellors.

    出自:P. Halmos







