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He's a well-adjusted, normal kid.


The research also found that mentally well-adjusted owners had calmer, happier and healthier cats.


Since an 'only' tends to be a well-adjusted individual, she'll eventually learn to relate to any chosen spouse.


Ken too - well adjusted for it to apply.

肯恩也 - 涌出调整让它应用.

Mentally or emotionally confused; not well - adjusted socially.

头脑或情绪紊乱的; 不很适应人际关系的.

They are happy, well - adjusted adults who are ready to surpass the achievements of previous generations.

他们是快乐的年轻人, 能够很好地适应新环境并准备好超越前辈.

Readers, what do you think of Mr. Code's prescription for a happy marriage and well - adjusted children?

亲爱的读者, 你们对考德为培养快乐婚姻和具有良好适应能力的孩子而开出的“处方 ” 怎么看?

The myth of the well - adjusted, easy - to - teach gifted child persists despite more recent evidence to the contrary.

尽管最近的证据表明正好相反,天赋儿童拥有好的调节能力 、 易于施教的的神话仍然持续着.

My mother has already been well adjusted to the cold climate in that place.


As for food hang - ups, both seem fairly well - adjusted.

至于饮食禁忌, 两人似乎都调整得不错.






