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They must be reborn into wholeness.


Through intent , we shall move back to wholeness again.

透过意想, 我们将再次回归整体.

There is a wholeness about the person.


The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.

圆圆的形状,是象征团圆的整体性 、 完整性和团结.

Other clouds follow, big and little and tiny on their march toward wholeness.

周围的云, 大的、小的、丁点儿的都随之飘向不知什么地方.

Balance will not arise from such actions, as they are contrary to wholeness.

当那些行动和[整体]相冲突时, 就不可能平衡.

Because Tantra believes in wholeness, it embraces opposites, seeing them not as contradictions but as complements.

因为坦陀罗相信整体, 它拥抱对立面, 把它们视之为补充,而不是矛盾.

The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and comity.

元宵圆圆的形状,象征团圆的整体性 、 完整性和团结.

That wholeness has nothing to do with missing and everything to do with spirit.


Fission thought - form creates a continuous breaking a part of the wholeness of self.


It is in the attraction of opposites that some semblance of wholeness can occur.


All these methods are conductive for improving the wholeness and earthquake - proofing capacity of the walls.

通过这些技术,增强墙体的整体性和 抗震 性能.

It completes us, giving us the wholeness we need to navigate safely through life.

它使我们成为完整的人, 给予我们一种整体感,使我们得以平安度过一生.

It completes us, gives us the wholeness we need to navigate safely through life.

它使我们成为完整的人, 给我们一种整体感,使我们得以平安度过一生.

Bohm outlined his approach in the classic 1980 book,'wholeness and the Implicate Order '.

玻姆在他1980年的经典书籍介绍了他的方法,'整体和关联秩序 '.






