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  1. an increase by natural growth or addition

  2. something contributing to growth or increase;

    "he scraped away the accretions of paint"
    "the central city surrounded by recent accretions"

  3. (astronomy) the formation of a celestial object by the effect of gravity pulling together surrounding objects and gases

  4. (biology) growth by addition as by the adhesion of parts or particles

  5. (geology) an increase in land resulting from alluvial deposits or waterborne sediment

  6. (law) an increase in a beneficiary's share in an estate (as when a co-beneficiary dies or fails to meet some condition or rejects the inheritance)

Anaccretion is an addition to something, usually one that has been added over a period of time.

e.g. The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.

accretion is the process of new layers or parts being added to something so that it increases in size.

e.g. A coral reef is built by theaccretion of tiny, identical organisms.

1. 增殖:appreciation 增值 一项资产由于市价上升而超过其账面 价值; 或指一项固定资产的估价超过其账 面价值.与增殖(accretion)的词义相对照. appropriated retained earnings 已拨定留 存收益,已指定用途留存收益 指公司董事会已将一部分留存收益指 定用于某一特定用途.例如,

2. 增长:骨的增长(accretion)及骨灰中磷的含量,在相同体重不同磷摄食量下,无显着的差异存在;而在不同体重下,有显着的不同. 体重35kg骨的增长及骨灰中磷的含量分别为4.0g/日及2.7mg/g;而65kg者分别为6.1g/日及2.2mg/g(如表6).

3. accretion的近义词

3. 吸积:在黑洞的引力范围内,一切物质,包括辐射及其所携带的能量,都将被它吸积(accretion)进去. 即使是恒星所散逸出去的辐射以及2.7K宇宙微波本底辐射或其他任何废热,都能够被黑洞所吸积. 这就会造成宇宙中某些区域高度的质能集中.







