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当前位置:首页 单词大全 advise

  1. 向…提出劝告,劝告,劝说,忠告,告诫
  2. 给…出主意 ,向…提意见
  3. 建议
  4. 通知,通告,告知,报告
  5. 提出劝告,提出建议,提出意见,提供咨询,作顾问
  6. 商议,商量,磋商(与with连用)
  1. vt. & vi. 劝告,提建议 give advice to (sb), tell sb what one thinks should be done; warn, caution, offer counsel; give an opinion, recommend
  2. vt. (商业)通知,报告 inform; give information or notice to sb (business style)
  1. give advice to;

    "The teacher counsels troubled students"
    "The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud"

  2. inform (somebody) of something;

    "I advised him that the rent was due"

  3. make a proposal, declare a plan for something;

    "the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax"

If youadvise someoneto do something, you tell them what you think they should do.

e.g. The minister advised him to leave as soon as possible...
e.g. Herbert would surelyadvise her how to approach the bank...

If an expertadvises peopleon a particular subject, he or she gives them help and information on that subject.

e.g. ...an officer who advises undergraduates on money matters...
e.g. A family doctor will be able toadvise on suitable birth control.

If youadvise someoneof a fact or situation, you tell them the fact or explain what the situation is.

e.g. ...the decision requiring police toadvise suspects of their rights...
e.g. I think it best that Iadvise you of my decision to retire.

If an official document states that youare advised to do something, it is telling you the correct or appropriate thing to do.

e.g. Candidates in India are advised to submit their applications through the overseas student office in London...
e.g. Residents are advised not to put their rubbish bags on the pavement outside their houses.

5. see also: ill-advised;well advised

Do not confuseadvise andadvice.Advice is the noun that is connected with the verbadvise. If youadvise someone to do something, you tell them what you think they should do. If yousuggest something, however, you mention it as an idea or plan for someone to think about, perhaps together with other ideas or plans. You can alsosuggest doing something, orsuggest that someone does something.Your bank manager will probably suggest a loan... I suggested inviting Jim... I suggest that you leave this to me.
请勿混淆advise和advice。advice是advise的名词形式。advise用于告诉别人应该怎样做。suggest用于提出想法或计划以供对方考虑,有可能和其他想法或计划一起提出。可以说suggest doing something或suggest that someone does something。例如:Your bank manager will probably suggest a loan(银行经理可能会建议你贷款),I suggested inviting Jim(我建议邀请吉姆),I suggest that you leave this to me(我建议你将此事交给我处理)。

1. 劝告:在美国,医生已成为干预大多数美国人戒烟的强有力因素, 美国国立癌症研究院(NCI)更提出了协助病人戒烟的4A计划:询 问(Ask)、劝告(advise)、帮助(Assist)、安排(Arrange ).

2. 通知:通过声明一个org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint类型的参数可以使通知(Advice)的主体部分获得连接点信息;l 目标对象(Target Object):被一个或者多个切面(Aspect)所通知(advise)的对象.

3. 劝告,建议:他同意并承认(admit)自己想象力(imagine)丰富,希望退出(quit)他的工作单位,领导对他的想法否认并拒绝了(deny),于是他就想逃脱(escape)出国,他的朋友劝告建议(advise)他保持(keep)现状,同时抵制抵抗(resist)工作.









