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当前位置:首页 单词大全 begin

  1. 开始
  2. 创始,创建,创办
  3. 着手,开始行动,开始进行,启动
  4. 作开头部分,作…的开端
  5. 动手,下手
  6. 开场,开场白,开始讲话
  7. 发动,挑起
  8. 动工兴建
  9. 开始存在,始于,源于,形成,产生,出现,呈现
  10. 使开始,使形成,使产生
  11. 一点也不,丝毫(不),根本(不)[通常与否定词连用,并后接不定式]
  1. ALGOL中的一个过程定义符
  1. vt. & vi. 开始; 着手 start; take the first step
  1. Israeli statesman (born in Russia) who (as prime minister of Israel) negotiated a peace treaty with Anwar Sadat (then the president of Egypt) (1913-1992)

  1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action;

    "We began working at dawn"
    "Who will start?"
    "Get working as soon as the sun rises!"
    "The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia"
    "He began early in the day"
    "Let's get down to work now"

  2. have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense;

    "The DMZ begins right over the hill"
    "The second movement begins after the Allegro"
    "Prices for these homes start at $250,000"

  3. set in motion, cause to start;

    "The U.S. started a war in the Middle East"
    "The Iraqis began hostilities"
    "begin a new chapter in your life"

  4. begin to speak or say;

    "Now listen, friends,"

  5. be the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series;

    "The number `one' begins the sequence"
    "A terrible murder begins the novel"
    "The convocation ceremony officially begins the semester"

  6. have a beginning, of a temporal event;

    "WW II began in 1939 when Hitler marched into Poland"
    "The company's Asia tour begins next month"

  7. have a beginning characterized in some specified way;

    "The novel begins with a murder"
    "My property begins with the three maple trees"
    "Her day begins with a workout"
    "The semester begins with a convocation ceremony"

  8. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object;

    "begin a cigar"
    "She started the soup while it was still hot"
    "We started physics in 10th grade"

  9. achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative;

    "This economic measure doesn't even begin to deal with the problem of inflation"
    "You cannot even begin to understand the problem we had to deal with during the war"

  10. begin to speak, understand, read, and write a language;

    "She began Russian at an early age"
    "We started French in fourth grade"

Tobegin to do something means to start doing it.

e.g. He stood up and began to move around the room...
e.g. The weight loss began to look more serious...

When somethingbegins or when youbegin it, it takes place from a particular time onwards.


e.g. The problems began last November...
e.g. He has just begun his fourth year in hiding...

If youbegin with something, orbegin by doing something, this is the first thing you do.

e.g. Could Ibegin with a few formalities?
e.g. ...a businessman who began by selling golf shirts from the boot of his car...

You usebegin to mention the first thing that someone says.

e.g. 'Professor Theron,' he began, 'I'm very pleased to see you'...
e.g. He didn't know how tobegin.

If one thingbegan as another, it first existed in the form of the second thing.

e.g. What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event.

If you say that a thing or placebegins somewhere, you are talking about one of its limits or edges.

e.g. The fate line begins close to the wrist...
e.g. Rue Guynemer begins at the front of the Fitzgerald site.

If a wordbegins with a particular letter, that is the first letter of that word.

e.g. The first word begins with an F.

If you say that you cannotbegin to imagine, understand, or explain something, you are emphasizing that it is almost impossible to explain, understand, or imagine.

e.g. You can'tbegin to imagine how much that saddens me.

You useto begin with when you are talking about the first stage of a situation, event, or process.


e.g. It was great tobegin with but now it's difficult.

You useto begin with to introduce the first of several things that you want to say.

e.g. 'What do scientists you've spoken with think about that?' — 'Well, tobegin with, they doubt it's going to work.'

11. charity begins at home -> see charity
begin life -> see life

begin,start, andcommence all have a similar meaning, althoughcommence is more formal and is not normally used in conversation.The meeting is ready to begin... He tore the list up and started a fresh one. ...an alternative to commencing the process of European integration. Note thatbegin,start, andcommence can all be followed by an -ing form or a noun, but onlybegin andstart can be followed by a 'to' infinitive.
begin, start 和 commence 意思相近,但 commence 更为正式,通常不用在日常对话中:The meeting is ready to begin(会议可以开始了),He tore the list up and started a fresh one(他把清单撕碎,开始另列一张),an alternative to commencing the process of European integration(启动欧洲一体化进程的另一种方式)。注意,begin, start 和commence 后都可以接 -ing 形式或名词,但只有 begin 和 start 可以接带 to 的动词不定式。

1. 等:为了能够挖掘出永山尚太的音乐实力,他特地请来的好友上地等(begin)来为单曲谱曲兼制作,自己写词. 初听永山尚太的声音,感觉很温暖阳光.柔韧的声音中带有男人特有的温柔.加之上地等那冲绳味十足的谱曲更加让人想到了冲绳的湛蓝的海面,

2. 开始一个事务块:ANALYZE -- 收集与数据库有关的统计 |begin -- 开始一个事务块 | CHECKPOINT -- 强制一个事务日志检查点









