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  1. 公牛
  2. 多头
  3. 买方
  4. 工头
  5. 雄兽,雄性大动物
  6. 行情看涨者
  7. 警察
  8. 靶心
  9. 中心目标
  10. 彪形大汉,壮汉
  11. 胡说,废话
  12. 训令,法令
  13. 教皇的诏书
  14. 自相矛盾的荒谬说法
  15. 大错
  16. 公文
  17. 雄象
  18. 雄鲸
  19. 布尔(1810-1880,挪威小提琴手)
  1. 雄的,公的
  2. 公牛的
  3. 公牛般的,公牛一样的
  4. 大号的,大型的
  5. 行情上涨的
  6. 做多头的
  7. 【商】买方的
  8. 哄台证券价格的
  9. 雄兽的
  1. 吓唬
  2. 欺骗
  3. 上涨
  4. 猛力前进
  5. 聊天
  6. 强使…通过(路)
  7. 挤出(路),强行挤过
  8. 哄抬…的价格,哄抬(证券等的行情)
  9. 做多头,做买方
  10. 排除困难前进,奋力前行
  11. 【海】猛撞
  12. 强迫
  13. 吹牛,瞎扯
  1. [C]公牛; 雄兽 that adult male form of cattle, supposed to be fierce and hard to control, kept on farms to be the parent of young cattle
  2. [C]买进证券投机图利者,(对股市行情)看涨的人 a person who buys business shares or goods in expectation of a price rise or who acts to cause such a rise
  1. uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle

  2. a large and strong and heavyset man;

    "he was a bull of a man"
    "a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got"

  3. obscene words for unacceptable behavior;

    "I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk"
    "what he said was mostly bull"

  4. a serious and ludicrous blunder;

    "he made a bad bull of the assignment"

  5. uncomplimentary terms for a policeman

  6. an investor with an optimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to rise and so buys now for resale later

  7. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Taurus

  8. the second sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about April 20 to May 20

  9. the center of a target

  10. a formal proclamation issued by the pope (usually written in antiquated characters and sealed with a leaden bulla)

  11. mature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow'; e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle

  1. push or force;

    "He bulled through his demands"

  2. try to raise the price of stocks through speculative buying

  3. speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths;

    "The politician was not well prepared for the debate and faked it"

  4. advance in price;

    "stocks were bulling"

Abull is a male animal of the cow family.


Some other male animals, including elephants and whales, are calledbulls .

e.g. ...a massivebull elephant with huge tusks.

On the stock market,bulls are people who buy shares in expectation of a price rise, in order to make a profit by selling the shares again after a short time.

In the Roman Catholic church, a papalbull is an official statement on a particular subject that is issued by the Pope.

If you say that something isbull or a load ofbull, you mean that it is complete nonsense or absolutely untrue.


e.g. I think it's a load ofbull...
e.g. The press couldn't deal with that so they made up all thisbull.

6. see also: cock-and-bull story;pit bull terrier

If you say that someone rushes into a situationlike a bull in a china shop, you are critical of them because they do not stop to think, and are insensitive to other people's feelings.

e.g. Still, it'll stop him rampaging all over the place like abull in a china shop.

You say that someone islike a bull in a china shop when they are very clumsy.


If youtake the bull by the horns, you do something that you feel you ought to do even though it is difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant.

e.g. Now is the time for the Chancellor to take thebull by the horns and announce a two per cent cut in interest rates.

10. like a red rag to abull -> see rag

1. bull

1. 胡说,废话:PLZ,PLS:please,请 |bull *** , *** :胡说,废话 | sorry ass:可怜的家伙,鄙视的意思









