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当前位置:首页 单词大全 dead

  1. 无生命的,死的,已废的
  2. 全然的,完全的
  3. 无感觉的,麻木的
  4. 不生产的
  5. 过时的
  6. 精确的
  7. 不用的
  8. 无效的,失效的
  9. 熄灭的
  10. 反弹不起的
  11. 沉闷的,暗淡的
  12. 不发挥作用的
  13. 精疲力尽的
  14. 肯定无疑的
  1. 完全地
  2. 绝对,非常,极为,全热地,彻底地
  3. 突然地
  4. 正对着
  5. 直接地
  6. 确实地
  7. 假装没看见,不理睬
  1. 死者,死人
  2. 最寂静的时候
  3. 深夜
  4. 在隆冬,在严冬
  5. 寂静
  6. 极寒时候
  7. 僵尸,亡灵
  8. 最暗的时刻
  1. 使减弱
  1. 死去的,已故的 no longer alive
  2. 已废的,无正常功能的 no longer in use; without the necessary power to work properly
  3. 静止的; 麻木的 without life, movement, or activity; unable to feel
  4. 阴沉的; 不响亮的 dull; not clear or bright
  5. 完全的,全然的 complete
  1. 突然地 suddenly
  2. 极度地,完全地,绝对地 completely
  3. 直接地,正对着 directly
  1. people who are no longer living;

    "they buried the dead"

  2. a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense;

    "the dead of winter"

  1. no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life;

    "the nerve is dead"
    "a dead pallor"
    "he was marked as a dead man by the assassin"

  2. not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat;

    "Mars is a dead planet"
    "dead soil"
    "dead coals"
    "the fire is dead"

  3. very tired;

    "was all in at the end of the day"
    "so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere"
    "bushed after all that exercise"
    "I'm dead after that long trip"

  4. unerringly accurate;

    "a dead shot"
    "took dead aim"

  5. physically inactive;

    "Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range"

  6. (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive;

    "passersby were dead to our plea for help"
    "numb to the cries for mercy"

  7. devoid of physical sensation; numb;

    "his gums were dead from the novocain"
    "she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth"
    "a public desensitized by continuous television coverage of atrocities"

  8. lacking acoustic resonance;

    "dead sounds characteristic of some compact discs"
    "the dead wall surfaces of a recording studio"

  9. not yielding a return;

    "dead capital"
    "idle funds"

  10. not circulating or flowing;

    "dead air"
    "dead water"
    "stagnant water"

  11. not surviving in active use;

    "Latin is a dead language"

  12. lacking resilience or bounce;

    "a dead tennis ball"

  13. out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown;

    "a dead telephone line"
    "the motor is dead"

  14. no longer having force or relevance;

    "a dead issue"

  15. complete;

    "came to a dead stop"
    "utter seriousness"

  16. drained of electric charge; discharged;

    "a dead battery"
    "left the lights on and came back to find the battery drained"

  17. devoid of activity;

    "this is a dead town; nothing ever happens here"

  1. quickly and without warning;

    "he stopped suddenly"

  2. completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers;

    "an absolutely magnificent painting"
    "a perfectly idiotic idea"
    "you're perfectly right"
    "utterly miserable"
    "you can be dead sure of my innocence"
    "was dead tired"
    "dead right"

A person, animal, or plant that isdead is no longer living.

e.g. Her husband's beendead a year now...
e.g. The group had shotdead another hostage.

Do not confusedead withdied.Died is the past tense and past participle of the verbdie, and thus indicates the action of dying.She died in 1934... Two men have died since the rioting broke out. You do not usedied as an adjective. You usedead instead.More than 2,200 dead birds have been found.
不要混淆 dead 和 died。died 是动词 die 的过去式和过去分词,因此表示死亡这一动作:She died in 1934(她死于 1934年),Two men have died since the rioting broke out(骚乱发生后已有两人死亡)。形容词不用 died, 而用 dead:More than 2, 200 dead birds have been found(已经发现了 2, 200 多只死鸟)。

Land or water that isdead contains no living things.

e.g. ...charred land, mountainsides ofdead earth and stumps of trees...
e.g. But this water seemsdead: it's polluted and horribly stagnant.

If you describe a place or a period of time asdead, you do not like it because there is very little activity taking place in it.

e.g. ...somedead little town where the liveliest thing is the flies...
e.g. This made that holiday week a particularlydead period.

Something that isdead is no longer being used or is finished.

e.g. Thedead cigarette was still between his fingers...
e.g. This bottle'sdead. But we've got another one.

If you say that an idea, plan, or subject isdead, you mean that people are no longer interested in it or willing to develop it any further.

e.g. It's adead issue, Baxter...
e.g. But that doesn't mean this brand of politics isdead or dying...

Adead language is no longer spoken or written as a means of communication, although it may still be studied.

e.g. We used to grumble that we were wasting time learning adead language.

A telephone or piece of electrical equipment that isdead is no longer functioning, for example because it no longer has any electrical power.

e.g. On another occasion I answered the phone and the line wentdead.

In sport, when a ball isdead, it has gone outside the playing area, or a situation has occurred in which the game has to be temporarily stopped, and none of the players can score points or gain an advantage.

Adead sound or colour is dull rather than lively or bright.

e.g. 'That is correct, Meg,' he answered in his cold,dead voice...
e.g. Then he heard a piercing scream echoing down the deep well, ending in a dull,dead thud.

10.完全的,绝对的(尤用于修饰 centre, silence 和 stop)
dead is used to mean 'complete' or 'absolute', especially before the words 'centre', 'silence', and 'stop'.

e.g. He adjusted each chesspiece so that it stooddead centre in its square...
e.g. They hurried about indead silence, with anxious faces...

dead means 'precisely' or 'exactly'.

e.g. Mars was visible,dead in the centre of the telescope...
e.g. Their arrows aredead on target...

dead is sometimes used to mean 'very'.

e.g. Meadowhall is alsodead easy for people to get to...
e.g. His poems sounddead boring, actually...

If you reply 'Over my dead body' when a plan or action has been suggested, you are emphasizing that you dislike it, and will do everything you can to prevent it.

e.g. 'Let's invite her to dinner.' — 'Over mydead body!'

If you say that something such as an idea or situation isdead and buried, you are emphasizing that you think that it is completely finished or past, and cannot happen or exist again in the future.

e.g. I thought the whole business wasdead and buried...
e.g. In two years, the British coal industry will bedead and buried.

If you say that a person or animaldropped dead ordropped down dead, you mean that they died very suddenly and unexpectedly.

e.g. He droppeddead on the quayside.

If you tell someone todrop dead, you are insulting them, rudely disagreeing with them, or refusing to do something, or telling them to stop bothering you.

e.g. 75% of the firms he called were hostile and told him to 'dropdead.'
在他电话联系的公司里,75% 都怀有敌意,让他“见鬼去吧”。

If you say that someone isdead and gone, you are emphasizing that they are dead, and thinking about what happened or will happen after their death.


e.g. Often a genius is recognized only after he isdead and gone.

If you say that youfeel dead orare half dead, you mean that you feel very tired or ill and very weak.

e.g. You looked halfdead after that journey...
e.g. I feel prettydead right now.

If something happensin the dead of night ,at dead of night, orin the dead of winter, it happens in the middle part of the night or the winter, when it is darkest or coldest.

e.g. I couldn't fly illegally into a country in thedead of night...
e.g. We buried it in the garden atdead of night...

When Christians say that Jesus Christrose from the dead orraised someonefrom the dead, they mean that Jesus came back to life after he had died, or brought a dead person back to life.

If you say that someone or somethingrises orcomes back from the dead, you mean that they become active or successful again after being inactive for a while.

e.g. This was a company that, by all appearances, had risen from thedead...
e.g. Faldo came back from thedead to win his third Open golf championship.

If you say that you wouldn'tbe seen dead orbe caught dead in particular clothes, places, or situations, you are expressing strong dislike or disapproval of them.

e.g. I wouldn't be seendead in a straw hat.
e.g. ...men who wouldn't be seendead pushing a pram...

Tostop dead means to suddenly stop happening or moving. Tostop someone or somethingdead means to cause them to suddenly stop happening or moving.

e.g. We all stoppeddead and looked at it...
e.g. She had meant to make a discreet entrance, but conversation stoppeddead...

If you say that someone or something isdead in the water, you are emphasizing that they have failed, and that there is little hope of them being successful in the future.

e.g. A 'no' vote would have left the treatydead in the water.

25. to flog adead horse -> see flog
adead loss -> see loss
adead ringer -> see ringer
to stopdead in your tracks -> see track

1. 死亡的:当一个生命死亡,其灵魂进入了亡者的国度,但只要加以引导,死亡的(dead)肉体则会被负面能量操纵,在邪恶的意志下行动;其中的一些特例被允许拥有自己思考能力.

2. 死的:被占据的单元称为活的(alive),未占据的单元称为死的(dead). 哪一个单元是活的要根据其周围活的邻居单元(neighbor)的数目而一代代(generation)地发生变化,规则如下:这似乎是个解决的办法:随时缩少数组的规模.









