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当前位置:首页 单词大全 govern...

  1. 政府,内阁
  2. 政体,政权,体制
  3. 管理,治理
  4. 政治(学)
  5. 支配
  6. 统治
  7. 政厅
  8. 行政管理区域
  9. 【语法】支配
  10. 管理方法,统治方式,治理的形式
  11. 行政机关,管理机构
  1. 与政府相关的
  1. [U]统治,控制,支配,统治权 governing; power to govern
  2. [C]政府,内阁 body of persons governing a state
  3. [U](统治或治理的)方式,政体,体制 method or system of governing
  1. the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit;

    "the government reduced taxes"
    "the matter was referred to higher authorities"

  2. the act of governing; exercising authority;

    "regulations for the governing of state prisons"
    "he had considerable experience of government"

  3. (government) the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed;

    "tyrannical government"

  4. the study of government of states and other political units

Thegovernment of a country is the group of people who are responsible for governing it.


e.g. Thegovernment has insisted that confidence is needed before the economy can improve.
e.g. ...democratic governments in countries like Britain and the US.

government consists of the activities, methods, and principles involved in governing a country or other political unit.

e.g. The first four years ofgovernment were completely disastrous.
e.g. ...our system ofgovernment.

Be careful with the spelling of this word. In Britain, the head of the government is thePrime Minister. The Prime Minister appoints the otherministers, who are responsible for particular areas of policy. The Prime Minister and other senior ministers together form theCabinet. The policies of the government are debated and approved byParliament, which consists of theHouse of Commons and theHouse of Lords. There are about 650 electedMembers of Parliament (orMPs) in the House of Commons. In the United States, the head of the government is thePresident, who appoints the members of hisadministration. Policies are debated and approved byCongress, which consists of theHouse of Representatives and theSenate. Members of the House of Representatives are known ascongressmen,congresswomen, orcongresspeople, and members of theSenate are calledsenators.
注意该词的拼写。英国的政府首脑为首相(Prime Minister),首相任命各部大臣(minister),大臣负责政策的特定领域,首相与高级大臣组成内阁(Cabinet)。政府的政策在议会(Parliament)上讨论并通过,议会由下议院(House of Commons)和上议院(House of Lords)组成,下议院约有650名通过选举产生的议员(Member of Parliament, 亦称 MP)。美国的政府首脑为总统(President),总统任命政府(administration)各部部长。国家政策在国会(Congress)上讨论并通过,国会由参议院(Senate)与众议院(House of Representatives)组成,众议院议员称为congressman, congresswoman或congresspeople,参议院议员称为senator。

1. 政府学:1912年,他从康奈尔大学退休之后,被聘请为纽约大学政府学(government)教授,并担任该校公共事务部主任,五年以后又担任东方商务与政治部主任等职. 民国初年再度被北京政府聘为财政顾问. 1928年,他曾第二次来中国,考察政治. 此人一生著作等身,








