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当前位置:首页 单词大全 houses

  1. 房屋,房子,住宅
  2. 家族,家庭
  3. 机构,社,所
  4. 议院,议会
  5. 商号
  6. 建筑物
  7. 观众
  8. 家务
  9. 王朝
  10. 供膳的宿舍
  11. 剧场
  12. 妓院
  13. 豪斯(人名)
  1. 收藏,是(某物)的贮藏处,把...储藏在房内
  2. 住,居住,供给...房子住,收容,留宿,给(某人)提供住处,给...房子用,为...提供住所
  3. 覆盖,覆蔽,遮蔽,隐蔽,为...提供掩体
  4. 接待,安置
  5. 躲藏(到达安全处所)
  6. 庇护
  7. 【建】嵌入,插入
  8. 【海】安置(炮台)
  9. 收好(桅木)
  10. 给装外罩
  1. 建筑物的
  1. [C]住宅,房子 building made for people to live in, usually for one family or for a family and lodgers
  2. [S]住在一所房子中的人们,全家人 people living in a same building
  3. [C]用作某种目的的建筑物 building made or used for some special purpose
  4. [C]议院 group of people who meet to discuss or pass laws
  1. vt. 给…提供住房 provide with a place to live
  2. vt. 收藏 provide space for sth
  1. a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families;

    "he has a house on Cape Cod"
    "she felt she had to get out of the house"

  2. the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments;

    "he worked for a brokerage house"

  3. the members of a religious community living together

  4. the audience gathered together in a theatre or cinema;

    "the house applauded"
    "he counted the house"

  5. an official assembly having legislative powers;

    "a bicameral legislature has two houses"

  6. aristocratic family line;

    "the House of York"

  7. play in which children take the roles of father or mother or children and pretend to interact like adults;

    "the children were playing house"

  8. (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided

  9. the management of a gambling house or casino;

    "the house gets a percentage of every bet"

  10. a social unit living together;

    "he moved his family to Virginia"
    "It was a good Christian household"
    "I waited until the whole house was asleep"
    "the teacher asked how many people made up his home"

  11. a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented;

    "the house was full"

  12. a building in which something is sheltered or located;

    "they had a large carriage house"

  1. contain or cover;

    "This box houses the gears"

  2. provide housing for;

    "The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town"









