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  1. 兴趣,爱好,趣味(性)
  2. 利息,利率
  3. 利益,权益
  4. 关注
  5. 利害(关系)
  6. 重要性
  7. 影响
  8. 股份,股权
  9. 同行,同业
  10. 感兴趣的事物或人
  11. 势力
  1. 使发生兴趣,吸引,引起…兴趣
  2. 使参与,使有份儿
  3. 使发生关系,使生关系
  4. 使开心
  5. 引起...的关心,引起…的意愿
  6. 使注意, 引起...注意,使关注
  7. 关心
  8. 尽力
  9. 劝说某人买
  10. 对…有影响
  1. [U][C]兴趣 a readiness to give attention
  2. [U]趣味,引起注意之性质 a quality of causing attention to be given
  3. [C]爱好,嗜好 an activity, subject, etc., which one gives time and attention to
  4. [C]利益 advantage, advancement, or favour
  5. [U]利息 money paid for the use of money
  1. vt. 使产生兴趣 cause sb to have a feeling of interest
  2. vt. 引起…的意愿 make (sb) want to buy, take, eat, do sth, etc.
  1. a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something;

    "an interest in music"

  2. a reason for wanting something done;

    "for your sake"
    "died for the sake of his country"
    "in the interest of safety"
    "in the common interest"

  3. the power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.);

    "they said nothing of great interest"
    "primary colors can add interest to a room"

  4. a fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed;

    "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage?"

  5. (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something;

    "they have interests all over the world"
    "a stake in the company's future"

  6. (usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims;

    "the iron interests stepped up production"

  7. a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly);

    "sailing is her favorite pastime"
    "his main pastime is gambling"
    "he counts reading among his interests"
    "they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits"

  1. excite the curiosity of; engage the interest of

  2. be on the mind of;

    "I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift"

  3. be of importance or consequence;

    "This matters to me!"

If you have aninterest in something, you want to learn or hear more about it.

e.g. There has been a livelyinterest in the elections in the last two weeks...
e.g. His parents tried to discourage hisinterest in music, but he persisted...

Yourinterests are the things that you enjoy doing.

e.g. Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies even if they're things that you know little about...
e.g. He developed a wide range of sporting interests as a pupil at Millfield.

If somethinginterests you, it attracts your attention so that you want to learn or hear more about it or continue doing it.

e.g. That passage interested me because it seems to parallel very closely what you're doing in the novel...
e.g. It mayinterest you to know that Miss Woods, the housekeeper, witnessed the attack.

If you are trying to persuade someone to buy or do something, you can say that you are trying tointerest themin it.


e.g. In the meantime I can'tinterest you in a new car, I suppose?...
e.g. The group wasn't able tointerest them in reproducing literature specifically for women.

If something is in theinterests of a particular person or group, it will benefit them in some way.

e.g. Did those directors act in the best interests of their club?...
e.g. The social worker would try to get her to see she was acting against the boy's interests.

You can useinterests to refer to groups of people who you think use their power or money to benefit themselves.

e.g. The government accused unnamed 'foreign interests' of inciting the trouble...
e.g. He resigned as finance minister only weeks before the election and stood against big-business interests.

A person or organization that hasinterests in a company or in a particular type of business owns shares in this company or this type of business.

e.g. Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country.
e.g. ...the Hatch family, who controlled large dairy interests...

If a person, country, or organization has aninterest in a possible event or situation, they want that event or situation to happen because they are likely to benefit from it.

e.g. The West has aninterest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe...
e.g. Domestic consumers of petroleum products have aninterest in a secure source of petroleum products.

interest is extra money that you receive if you have invested a sum of money.interest is also the extra money that you pay if you have borrowed money or are buying something on credit.

e.g. Does your current account payinterest?...
e.g. This is an important step toward lowerinterest rates.

10. see also: interested;interesting;compound interest;self-interest;vested interest

If you do somethingin the interests of a particular result or situation, you do it in order to achieve that result or maintain that situation.

e.g. ...a call for all businessmen to work together in the interests of national stability.









