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当前位置:首页 单词大全 kettle

  1. 水壶,壶
  2. 水锅
  3. 小汽锅
  4. 【地】锅穴,搅旋洞穴,瓯穴,涡旋磨,涡蚀穴(在河流的岩床上形成的碗状洞穴)
  5. 凹洞
  6. 水冲刷穴
  7. 定音鼓,铜鼓
  1. [C](烧水用的)壶 container with a spout, lid and handle, used for boiling water
  1. a metal pot for stewing or boiling; usually has a lid

  2. the quantity a kettle will hold

  3. (geology) a hollow (typically filled by a lake) that results from the melting of a mass of ice trapped in glacial deposits

  4. a large hemispherical brass or copper percussion instrument with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting the tension on it

Akettle is a covered container that you use for boiling water. It has a handle, and a spout for the water to come out of.

e.g. I'll put thekettle on and make us some tea.

in AM, use 美国英语用 teakettle

Akettle is a metal pot for boiling or cooking things in.

e.g. Put the meat into a smallkettle.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 pan

If you say that something isa different kettle of fish, you mean that it is very different from another related thing that you are talking about.

e.g. Playing for the reserve team is a totally differentkettle of fish.

1. 水壶:具体表现如下:在家用电器产品的设计和开发的技术方面:对欧美家庭电器和私人办公设备(如steam station iron, Blender, toastors, Coffee Maker,热水壶(kettle) 和个人护理产品(如磨指甲器,电吹风)等产品的机械和电气机构设计原理有比较深入的研究.

2. 罐:前往实验室,拿起工作台(Workbench)上的三瓶药:卵磷脂(Lecithin)、石油(Petrox)、甲醛(Formaldehyde),并将录音带放入录音机,根据录音带中的内容配制爆炸物,第一步先将石油放入罐(kettle)中,回答2 (Dollop),第二步放入卵磷脂,

3. 壶:2001年10月到2004年9月,在东莞市企石镇金莱电子厂东力开发部任项目高级工程师,曾组织设计过(Espresso& Drip-coffee Maker)咖啡机,咖啡壶,多款多士炉(Toastor),热水壶(kettle), 配蒸汽站电烫斗(Steam Station)的开发,

4. 锅:一个说法是:从前英格兰、苏格兰接壤地区居民到河边野餐,习惯捕到鲑鱼(salmon)就放进锅(kettle)里煮来吃,但由于设备不全,往往弄得一团糟. 不过,也有人不喜欢画工弄虚作假美化他们的. 例如十七世纪英国护国公克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell)请人给他画像,






