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  1. 标准,水平,水准
  2. 级别,等级,层次
  3. 水平线,水平面,平面
  4. 高度,地位
  5. 水准测量
  6. 水平仪,水准仪
  7. 平地
  8. 水平状态
  9. 程度
  10. 水位
  11. 【物】能级
  1. 冷静的
  2. 平稳的
  3. 平坦的,水平的,平的
  4. 同高度的
  5. 均匀的,平均分布的
  6. (程度、水准、级别)相同的,同水平的,同程度的
  7. 【电】等位的
  8. 【音】平调的
  9. 平直的
  10. 保持一定水平的,恒定的
  11. 诚实的
  12. 公平的
  13. 并进的
  1. 对准,用(武器)瞄准
  2. 使平坦,夷平,弄平,(使)平整,推平
  3. 使成水平,使成平面
  4. 使同等, 使划一,使平等
  5. 拉平
  6. 废除
  7. 用水平仪测量高度
  8. 推倒,毁坏,摧毁
  9. 击倒
  10. 坦率诚实地对待, 坦率相待
  11. 把...对准
  12. 使相似
  13. 创造人人机会均等的局面
  14. 谴责
  1. 水平地,平坦地
  2. 一直
  3. 同样高
  4. 势均力敌地
  5. 平衡地
  1. [C]水平线,水平面;水平高度 line or surface parallel to the horizon, especially with reference to its height
  2. [C]数量,强度 position on a scale of quantity, strength, value, etc.
  3. [U]水平,等级 relative position in rank, class or authority
  1. 平的,水平的,平坦的 having a surface which is the same height above the ground all over
  2. 同高度的;同程度的 equal in position or standard
  3. 平稳的,坚定的 steady and unvarying
  4. 清醒的,冷静的 clean-headed;sane
  1. vt. 使平(坦);变平 make or become level or flat
  2. vt. 使…成平面;变成平面 bring or come into a horizontal plane
  1. a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality;

    "a moderate grade of intelligence"
    "a high level of care is required"
    "it is all a matter of degree"

  2. a relative position or degree of value in a graded group;

    "lumber of the highest grade"

  3. a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process;

    "a remarkable degree of frankness"
    "at what stage are the social sciences?"

  4. height above ground;

    "the water reached ankle level"
    "the pictures were at the same level"

  5. indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid

  6. a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line;

    "park the car on the level"

  7. an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;

    "a good actor communicates on several levels"
    "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"
    "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously"

  8. a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale;

    "what level is the office on?"

  1. having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another;

    "a flat desk"
    "acres of level farmland"
    "a plane surface"
    "skirts sewn with fine flat seams"

  2. not showing abrupt variations;

    "spoke in a level voice"
    "she gave him a level look"

  3. being on a precise horizontal plane;

    "a billiard table must be level"

  4. oriented at right angles to the plumb;

    "the picture is level"

  5. of the score in a contest;

    "the score is tied"

  1. aim at;

    "level criticism or charges at somebody"

  2. tear down so as to make flat with the ground;

    "The building was levelled"

  3. make level or straight;

    "level the ground"

  4. direct into a position for use;

    "point a gun"
    "He charged his weapon at me"

  5. talk frankly with; lay it on the line;

    "I have to level with you"

  6. become level or even;

    "The ground levelled off"

in AM, use 美国英语用 leveling, leveled

Alevel is a point on a scale, for example a scale of amount, quality, or difficulty.

e.g. If you don't know your cholesterollevel, it's a good idea to have it checked...
e.g. Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficiallevel...

Thelevel of a river, lake, or ocean or thelevel of liquid in a container is the height of its surface.

e.g. The waterlevel of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal...
e.g. The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuellevel.

In cookery, alevel spoonful of a substance such as flour or sugar is an amount that fills the spoon exactly, without going above the top edge.


e.g. Stir in 1level teaspoon of yeast.

If something is at a particularlevel, it is at that height.

e.g. Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eyelevel.

If one thing islevel with another thing, it is at the same height as it.

e.g. He leaned over the counter so his face was almostlevel with the boy's...
e.g. Amy knelt down so that their eyes werelevel.

When something islevel, it is completely flat with no part higher than any other.

e.g. The floor waslevel, but the ceiling sloped toward his head.
e.g. ...a plateau of fairlylevel ground.

If you drawlevel with someone or something, you get closer to them until you are by their side.

e.g. Just before we drewlevel with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd...
e.g. When the car had pulledlevel with him, he had spoken into the lowered passenger window.

If youdraw level with someone, you manage to improve your performance until it is the same as theirs, by scoring the same number of points or goals as them.

e.g. Napoli have drawnlevel with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league.

In sport, if a player or teamlevels the score, they score a goal or win some points so that their team has the same number of points or goals as the opposing team.


e.g. Iglesias scored twice tolevel the score...
e.g. The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates.

If you keep your voicelevel, you speak in a deliberately calm and unemotional way.

e.g. He forced his voice to remainlevel...
e.g. When Julie speaks of her disability, she talks in the same calm,level tones she uses to discuss her Alevel prospects.

If someone or something such as a violent stormlevels a building or area of land, they destroy it completely or make it completely flat.

e.g. Further tremors couldlevel more buildings...
e.g. The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It leveled sugar plantations and destroyed homes.

If an accusation or criticismis levelled at someone, they are accused of doing wrong or they are criticized for something they have done.

e.g. Allegations of corruption were levelled at him and his family...
e.g. He leveled bitter criticism against the US.

If youlevel an object at someone or something, you lift it and point it in their direction.

e.g. He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them.

If youlevel with someone, you tell them the truth and do not keep anything secret.

e.g. I'lllevel with you. I'm no great detective. I've no training or anything...
e.g. He has leveled with the American people about his role in the affair.

15. see also: A level

If you say that you willdo yourlevel best to do something, you are emphasizing that you will try as hard as you can to do it, even if the situation makes it very difficult.

e.g. The President told American troops that he would do hislevel best to bring them home soon.

If you say that someone or something ison the level, you mean that they are sincere or honest, and are not attempting to deceive people.

e.g. There were probably moments when you wondered if anyone spoke the truth or was on thelevel.

18. alevel playing field -> see playing field

相关词组:level offlevel out

1. 层次:按惯例,用户自定链用小写以示区别(待会我们会在后面的 在整链上运作(Operations on an Entire Chain) 那里解释如何去建立新的用户自定连)后接一个层次(level)号码或名称.









