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当前位置:首页 单词大全 licenc...

  1. 执照,许可证,牌照,特许证
  2. 特许,许可,破格
  3. 放纵,放肆
  4. 不拘一格,艺术上自由发挥的权利
  5. 放荡,纵欲,淫乱
  6. 诗的破格
  7. 不费劲挣大钱,一本万利,摇钱树
  1. 批准,准许,许可,特许,认可,同意,给...发许可证
  1. [C]许可证,执照 official document showing that permission has been given to own, use or do sth
  2. [U]许可,特许 permission
  3. [U]放纵;放肆 irresponsible use of freedom, especially to behave in an offensive way
  1. excessive freedom; lack of due restraint;

    "when liberty becomes license dictatorship is near"
    "the intolerable license with which the newspapers break...the rules of decorum"

  2. freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices (especially in behavior or speech)

  3. a legal document giving official permission to do something

  1. authorize officially;

    "I am licensed to practice law in this state"

in AM, use 美国英语用 license

1.执照; 证书; 许可证
Alicence is an official document which gives you permission to do, use, or own something.

e.g. Payne lost his drivinglicence a year ago for drink-driving...
e.g. The painting was returned to Spain on a temporary importlicence...

If you say that something gives someonelicence ora licence to act in a particular way, you mean that it gives them an excuse to behave in an irresponsible or excessive way.

e.g. The ANC claimed the curfew gavelicence to the police to hunt people as if they were animals...
e.g. 'Dropping the charges has given racists alicence to kill,' said Jim's aunt.

3. see also: poetic licence

If you describe a commercial activity asa licence to print money, you mean that it allows people to gain a lot of money with little effort or responsibility.

e.g. Running a television company may no longer be alicence to print money, but it is still highly rewarding.

If someone does somethingunder licence, they do it by special permission from a government or other authority.

e.g. ...a company which made the Mig-21 jet fighter underlicence from Russia.






