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当前位置:首页 单词大全 magazi...

  1. 杂志,期刊
  2. 弹仓,弹药库,弹药仓,军火库,军械库,军用仓库
  3. 弹盘,弹盒,弹匣
  4. 仓库
  5. 燃料储存仓
  6. 【摄】底片盒,软片盒
  7. 资源地
  8. 宝库
  9. 专题节目
  1. [C]杂志,期刊 a sort of book with a paper cover and usually large pages, which contains written articles, photographs, and advertisements, usually on a special subject or for a certain group of people, and which is printed and sold every week or month
  2. [C]弹药库 a storehouse or room for arms, explosives, bullets, etc.
  3. [C]弹夹 the part of a gun in which bullets are placed before firing
  1. a periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it;

    "it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money"

  2. product consisting of a paperback periodic publication as a physical object;

    "tripped over a pile of magazines"

  3. a business firm that publishes magazines;

    "he works for a magazine"

  4. a light-tight supply chamber holding the film and supplying it for exposure as required

  5. a storehouse (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored

  6. a metal frame or container holding cartridges; can be inserted into an automatic gun

Amagazine is a publication with a paper cover which is issued regularly, usually every week or every month, and which contains articles, stories, photographs, and advertisements.

e.g. Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more magazines.

On radio or television, amagazine or amagazine programme is a programme consisting of several items about different topics, people, and events.

e.g. ...a live artsmagazine.
e.g. ...'Science In Action', a weekly sciencemagazine programme.

In an automatic gun, themagazine is the part that contains the bullets.

Amagazine is a building in which things such as guns, bullets, and explosives are kept.


1. magazine在线翻译

1. 片盒:粘晶完成后之导线架则经由传输设 备送至弹匣/片盒(magazine)内,以送至下一制程进行焊线/压焊. IC封装制程(Packaging)则是利用塑胶或陶瓷包装晶粒与配线以成集成电路(Integrated Circuit;简称IC),此制程的目的是为了制造出所生产的电路的保护层,

2. 箱:magazine) 步进上升以配合推杆逐个将 PCB 推出,供给后续设备,当周转箱内的 PCB 推完之后,则空周转箱自动被送往卸料输送机.

3. magazine的反义词

3. 弹匣:切割完后之晶粒井然有序排列于胶带上,而框架的支撑避免了 胶带的皱折与晶粒之相互碰撞. 黏晶之目的乃将一颗颗之晶粒置于导线架上并以银胶(epoxy)黏着固定. 黏晶完成后之导线架则经由传输设 备送至弹匣(magazine)内,以送至下一制程进行焊线.






