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当前位置:首页 单词大全 mould

  1. 铸模,铸型,模型,模板,模
  2. 性格,气质
  3. 外型
  4. 模子铸成的形状
  5. 字模
  6. 字型
  7. 模制品,铸成物
  8. (贝壳化石凸出面在泥土中留下的)压痕
  9. 霉,霉菌,霉病
  10. 肥土,壤土,土地
  11. 耕作土壤,松软沃土
  1. 铸造,浇铸,铸,放在模子里做,用模子做
  2. 塑造,将…塑造成,使形成
  3. 对…影响重大,陶冶,训练(人格)
  4. 与…的轮廓吻合,与…轮廓相符
  5. 【建】用线条装饰,用雕刻装饰
  6. 【冶金学】铸…的模,用(砂)造型
  7. (使)发霉
  8. 用土覆盖(后跟up)
  1. =mold(美)
  1. [C]铸模,模型 hollow container with a particular shape
  2. [S]性格,气质 particular type of character
  3. [U]霉,霉菌 fine furry growth of fungi that forms on old food or on objects left in moist warm air
  1. vi. & vt. 用模子做,浇铸 shape sth into a particular form or object
  2. vt. 塑造(性格等) influence sb's character
  1. loose soil rich in organic matter

  2. the distinctive form in which a thing is made;

    "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"

  3. the process of becoming mildewed

  4. a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter

  5. a dish or dessert that is formed in or on a mold;

    "a lobster mold"
    "a gelatin dessert made in a mold"

  6. a distinctive nature, character, or type;

    "a leader in the mold of her predecessors"

  7. sculpture produced by molding

  8. container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens

  1. form in clay, wax, etc;

    "model a head with clay"

  2. form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold;

    "cast a bronze sculpture"

  3. make something, usually for a specific function;

    "She molded the rice balls carefully"
    "Form cylinders from the dough"
    "shape a figure"
    "Work the metal into a sword"

in AM, use 美国英语用 mold

Amould is a hollow container that you pour liquid into. When the liquid becomes solid, it takes the same shape as the mould.

e.g. Spoon the mixture carefully into themould...
e.g. The moulds for the foundry are made in the tool-room area.

If a person fits into or is cast in amould of a particular kind, they have the characteristics, attitudes, behaviour, or lifestyle that are typical of that type of person.

e.g. At first sight, Joe Pesci is not exactly cast in the leading manmould...
e.g. He was from the samemould as the men she had gazed at worshipfully when a child: rich, handsome, of impeccable social standing.

If youmould a soft substance such as plastic or clay, you make it into a particular shape or into an object.

e.g. Using 2 spoons,mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals...
e.g. Before we left the camp, my twin brother and I moulded a chair out of mud.

Tomould someone or something means to change or influence them over a period of time so that they develop in a particular way.

e.g. She was only 17 at the time and the experience moulded her personality...
e.g. Here we outline some of the sometimes conflicting forces moulding the debate...

When somethingmoulds to an object or when youmould it there, it fits round the object tightly so that the shape of the object can still be seen.

e.g. You need a malleable pillow that willmould to the curves of your neck...
e.g. She stood there, the wind moulding the dress around her.

mould is a soft grey, green, or blue substance that sometimes forms in spots on old food or on damp walls or clothes.

1. 模具:而与机械类专业术语所对应的专业英语也分很多类,如:设计(design),制造(manufacture),生产(produce),加工(process),模具(mould),刀具(cutters),铸造(found),测量(measure)等等,下面是一些具体词汇:

2. 模型:时.还需要具有真正原型(True Prototype)所验)过程(Process)的各项要求,但树脂件的机空铸造用的模型(moulds)则采用液体硅橡胶模型(mould)分离,然后把模型安装于真空他们在采用硅橡胶模型(mould)的同时还

3. 霉菌:第六节 食品法典委员会(CAC)及其CAC标准第十六节 气单胞菌属(Artomonas)和邻单胞菌属(Plesiomonas)第十七节 霉菌(mould)和酵母菌(Yeast)检验

4. 铸模:而除了在钢上冲孔外,这样一部机器也能在不需使用铸模(mould)与冲模(die)的情况下塑造出金属的形状. Woods Hole海洋学研究所(WHOI)的一位研究了加勒比地区和全世界断层的地震专家说,






