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当前位置:首页 单词大全 pick

  1. 掘,凿,挖,剔,扒
  2. 找岔,寻衅吵架
  3. 扒窃,撬(锁)
  4. 拔羽毛
  5. 获得,得到
  6. 采摘
  7. 啄食,吃
  8. 挑选,选择
  9. 挑毛病;挑剔
  10. 恢复原状
  11. 整理,收拾
  12. 学会(语言)
  13. 弹奏
  14. 【纺】投(梭)
  15. 掐去,摘掉
  16. 【棒球】防守得法
  1. 选择;挑选
  2. 精华,最好的部分
  3. 剔的工具;牙签
  4. 十字镐,鹤嘴锄,铁镐 ,铁撬 ,用于挖掘的尖状物
  5. 纬纱
  6. 投梭
  7. 凿,掘
  8. 选择权
  9. (琴弦的)拨子, 琴拨,拨指
  10. 收获
  1. vt. & vi. 挑选,选择 choose or select
  2. vt. & vi. 采,摘 take up, remove, pull away , with the fingers
  3. vt. & vi. 啄,叼,啃 take up or remove sth separately or bit by bit using the fingers, a beak, a pointed instrument, etc.
  4. vt. 挖,剔 remove unwanted pieces from, especially with a finger or a pointed instrument
  1. [S]挑选,选择 right of selecting; choice
  2. [S]最佳选择,精华 the best of sth
  3. [C]镐,锄 heavy tool with an iron head having two pointed ends, used for breading up hard surfaces; small sharp-pointed instrument
  1. the person or thing chosen or selected;

    "he was my pick for mayor"

  2. the quantity of a crop that is harvested;

    "he sent the first picking of berries to the market"
    "it was the biggest peach pick in years"

  3. the best people or things in a group;

    "the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War"

  4. the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving

  5. a small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument

  6. a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material;

    "he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks"

  7. a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends;

    "they used picks and sledges to break the rocks"

  8. a basketball maneuver; obstructing an opponent with one's body;

    "he was called for setting an illegal pick"

  9. the act of choosing or selecting;

    "your choice of colors was unfortunate"
    "you can take your pick"

  1. select carefully from a group;

    "She finally picked her successor"
    "He picked his way carefully"

  2. look for and gather;

    "pick mushrooms"
    "pick flowers"

  3. harass with constant criticism;

    "Don't always pick on your little brother"

  4. provoke;

    "pick a fight or a quarrel"

  5. remove in small bits;

    "pick meat from a bone"

  6. remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits;

    "Clean the turkey"

  7. pilfer or rob;

    "pick pockets"

  8. pay for something;

    "pick up the tab"
    "pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages"
    "foot the bill"

  9. pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion;

    "he plucked the strings of his mandolin"

  10. attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example;

    "pick open the ice"

  11. hit lightly with a picking motion

  12. eat intermittently; take small bites of;

    "He pieced at the sandwich all morning"
    "She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles"

If youpick a particular person or thing, you choose that one.

e.g. Mr Nowell had picked ten people to interview for six sales jobs in London...
e.g. I had deliberately picked a city with a tropical climate.

You can refer to the best things or people in a particular group asthe pick of that group.

e.g. The boys here are thepick of the under-15 cricketers in the country...
e.g. We had thepick of suits from the shop.

When youpick flowers, fruit, or leaves, you break them off the plant or tree and collect them.

e.g. She used topick flowers in the Cromwell Road...
e.g. He helps his motherpick fruit.

If youpick something from a place, you remove it from there with your fingers or your hand.

e.g. He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate...
e.g. He picked the telephone off the wall bracket.

If youpick yournose orteeth, you remove substances from inside your nose or between your teeth.


e.g. Edgar, don'tpick your nose, dear...
e.g. He had just had a meal and was picking his teeth after it.

If youpick a fight or quarrelwith someone, you deliberately cause one.

e.g. He picked a fight with a waiter and landed in jail...
e.g. He was clearly in a mood topick a quarrel with anybody.

If someone such as a thiefpicks a lock, they open it without a key, for example by using a piece of wire.

e.g. He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer.

Apick is the same as apickaxe .


9. see also: hand-pick;ice pick

If youpick and choose, you carefully choose only things that you really want and reject the others.


e.g. As a vocational teacher I could pretty muchpick and choose my work...
e.g. We, the patients, cannotpick and choose our doctors.

If youhave yourpick of a group of things, you are able to choose any of them that you want.

e.g. Here is an actress who could have herpick of any part...
e.g. Klein could have had hispick of the world's top models.

If you are told totake yourpick, you can choose any one that you like from a group of things.

e.g. Accountants can take theirpick of company cars...
e.g. Take yourpick from ten luxury hotels...

If youpick yourway across an area, you walk across it very carefully in order to avoid obstacles or dangerous things.

e.g. The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution...
e.g. I moved away from the shack and picked my way among the rubble.

14. topick someone's brains -> see brain
topick holes in something -> see hole
topick someone's pocket -> see pocket

When youpick up the pieces after a disaster, you do what you can to get the situation back to normal again.

e.g. Do we try and prevent problems or do we try andpick up the pieces afterwards?...
e.g. She died, and somehow I never picked up the pieces and started again.

When a vehiclepicks up speed, it begins to move more quickly.

e.g. Brian pulled away slowly, but picked up speed.

相关词组:pick atpick offpick onpick outpick overpick up

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