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当前位置:首页 单词大全 plug

  1. 消防栓,救火龙头
  2. 插头,插塞
  3. 火花塞
  4. 塞子
  5. 堵塞物,填塞物
  6. 点火栓
  7. 口嚼香烟
  8. 推荐
  9. 滞销货
  10. 一击
  11. 一枪
  12. 一颗子弹
  13. 捧场
  14. 插播广告
  15. 有疵商品
  16. 【军】火门闩
  1. 拳打
  2. 枪击,开枪射击
  3. 一再宣传,大打广告,推广
  4. 接通电源,连接
  5. 把…塞住,堵塞,填塞(常与up 连用)
  6. 苦干,苦读
  7. 勤苦工作,苦干
  8. 用功,苦学
  9. 开枪打死,射杀
  10. 殴打,打击
  11. 【电】插上插头,接插头
  12. 封堵
  13. 补足,补充
  14. 供给
  15. 以(塞子)塞住
  16. 插入
  17. 被塞住
  18. 在孔中填塞东西
  19. 从上切下一楔形小块以鉴定质量
  20. 时常演奏使其普及
  21. 努力从事
  1. [C]插头,插座 device for making an electrical connection
  2. [C]塞子,栓 piece of rubber, metal, etc. used to block a hole
  1. vt. & vi. 插上插头 push into an electric socket to connect the electricity supply with a plug
  2. vt. 以(塞子)塞住 block with a plug
  1. blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly

  2. a wad of something chewable as tobacco

  3. blatant or sensational promotion

  4. electrical device that fits into the cylinder head of an internal-combustion engine and ignites the gas by means of an electric spark

  5. an electrical device with two or three pins that is inserted in a socket to make an electrical connection

  6. an upright hydrant for drawing water to use in fighting a fire

  7. an old or over-worked horse

  1. fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug;

    "plug the hole"
    "stop up the leak"

  2. persist in working hard;

    "Students must plug away at this problem"

  3. deliver a quick blow to;

    "he punched me in the stomach"

  4. make a plug for; praise the qualities or in order to sell or promote

  5. insert a plug into;

    "plug the wall"

  6. insert as a plug;

    "She plugged a cork in the wine bottle"

Aplug on a piece of electrical equipment is a small plastic object with two or three metal pins which fit into the holes of an electric socket and connects the equipment to the electricity supply.

Aplug is an electric socket.

Aplug is a thick, circular piece of rubber or plastic that you use to block the hole in a bath or sink when it is filled with water.

e.g. She put theplug in the sink and filled it with cold water.

Aplug is a small, round piece of wood, plastic, or wax which is used to block holes.

e.g. Aplug had been inserted in the drill hole.

If youplug a hole, you block it with something.

e.g. Crews are working toplug a major oil leak.

If someoneplugs a commercial product, especially a book or a film, they praise it in order to encourage people to buy it or see it because they have an interest in it doing well.


e.g. We did not want people on the show who are purely interested in plugging a book or film.

7. see also: earplug;spark plug

If someone in a position of powerpulls the plug on a project oron someone's activities, they use their power to stop them continuing.


e.g. The banks have the power to pull theplug on the project.

相关词组:plug awayplug inplug into

1. 堵头:● 当以超过燃烧下限(LFL)的浓度与空气混合时,有直接的火灾和爆炸危险. 适当的出口盖(Cap)或出口堵头(plug). 容器阀帽或保护装置要安装就位. 保持容器密闭,职业安全和卫生管理局(OSHA)危险告知标准(29CFR1910.1200)危险等级

2. plug的近义词

2. 塞子:(3)603 电阻球茎(RTD)配线回路较长时仅须考虑接头电阻不须考虑回路电阻考虑加大线径使用回路电阻在10Ω以下并联电阻使用回路电路小於10Ω. (4)608 下列何者不属於仪控管路元件塞子(plug)肘接头(Elbow)立布(Nipple)保护套管(Well). (3)610 控制阀尺寸(Size)系指安装尺寸高度尺寸内阀尺寸管路尺寸.

3. plug是什么意思

3. 塞:并且,于该浅离子井内的该半导体基底上设有多个NAND存储串区块(NANDcellblock),而在该半导体基底上方设有一位线,其用来藉由一延伸至该浅离子井的插塞(plug),于一编程模式下提供该浅离子井一第一预定电压,


4.plug:p; 插头









