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当前位置:首页 单词大全 reader

  1. 读者
  2. 审稿人,校队人,评阅者
  3. 读本,读物
  4. 高级讲师,助教
  5. 【计】阅读机
  6. 读经师,朗读者
  7. 读数装置,指数仪表
  8. 好学者
  1. [C]读者 a person who reads a stated thing or in a stated way
  2. [C]审稿人,校对员 (the job of) a person who reads books to put mistakes right before printing
  3. [C]初级读物 a type of school book for beginners
  1. a person who enjoys reading

  2. someone who contracts to receive and pay for a service or a certain number of issues of a publication

  3. a person who can read; a literate person

  4. someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication

  5. someone who reads proof in order to find errors and mark corrections

  6. someone who reads the lessons in a church service; someone ordained in a minor order of the Roman Catholic Church

  7. a public lecturer at certain universities

  8. one of a series of texts for students learning to read

Thereaders of a newspaper, magazine, or book are the people who read it.

e.g. If you are a regularreader of Homes & Gardens you will know what an invaluable source of inspiration it is...
e.g. These texts give thereader an insight into the Chinese mind.

Areader is a person who reads, especially one who reads for pleasure.

e.g. Thanks to that job I became an avidreader...
e.g. Their books are loved by young readers the world over.

Areader is a person who reads books for a publisher in order to give an opinion on whether they should be published or not.

In British universities, areader is a senior lecturer, with a rank just below that of a professor.


e.g. John Stevenson isreader in History at the University of Sheffield.

In American universities and colleges, areader is an assistant to a teacher. readers' duties include reading and marking examination papers and other work.

Areader is a book to help children to learn to read, or to help people to learn a foreign language. It contains passages of text, and often exercises to give practice in reading and writing.

1. 阅读器:最基本的RFID系统由标签(Tag)、阅读器(reader)、天线(Antenna)三部分组成. 电子标签中一般保存有约定格式的电子数据,在实际应用中,电子标签附着在待识别物体的表面. 阅读器可无接触地读取并识别电子标签中所保存的电子数据,






