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当前位置:首页 单词大全 series

  1. 丛书,丛刊
  2. 套,组,辑
  3. 连续,接连
  4. 串联
  5. 系列
  6. 连续比赛
  7. 【数】级数
  8. 【电】串联
  9. 【音】序列
  10. 【语】一组交替母音
  11. 系列节目,系列比赛
  12. 【生】区
  13. 【植】轮
  1. 串连的
  1. [C] 连续的同类事物,系列 a group of things of the same kind or related in some way, coming one after another or in order
  2. [U] 串联 electrical circuit with the supply of current flowing directly through each component
  1. similar things placed in order or happening one after another;

    "they were investigating a series of bank robberies"

  2. a serialized set of programs;

    "a comedy series"
    "the Masterworks concert series"

  3. a periodical that appears at scheduled times

  4. (sports) several contests played successively by the same teams;

    "the visiting team swept the series"

  5. (electronics) connection of components in such a manner that current flows first through one and then through the other;

    "the voltage divider consisted of a series of fixed resistors"

  6. a group of postage stamps having a common theme or a group of coins or currency selected as a group for study or collection;

    "the Post Office issued a series commemorating famous American entertainers"
    "his coin collection included the complete series of Indian-head pennies"

  7. (mathematics) the sum of a finite or infinite sequence of expressions

Aseries of things or events is a number of them that come one after the other.

e.g. ...aseries of meetings with students and political leaders.
e.g. ...aseries of explosions.

A radio or televisionseries is a set of programmes of a particular kind which have the same title.

e.g. ...the TVseries 'The Trials of Life' presented by David Attenborough.
e.g. ...the world's longest-running radioseries, Britain's 'The Archers'.

Take care not to confuseseries andserial
注意不要混淆 series 和 serial。

1. 串联:此外,电子元件的特性除了电阻(R)及电抗(X)外,还有品质因子(Quality)及损串联(series)及并联(Parallel)显示. 在串联模式时,阻抗可以简单的加法求出等效造成量测的误差. 改善之道是将一片守护板(Guard Plate)置於量测夹具的正和负端守护板(Guard Plate)可降低杂散电融效应表示,

2. 级数:对传统的、视觉上确定的几何学的这种摧毁,最明晰的例证,在我看来,莫过于把角函数--在印度数学中,它便是数字(我们的心智几乎无法理解印度人的这个词的含义)--转化成周期函数,由此而进入无穷的数字王国,在那里,角函数变成了级数(series),不再留有欧几里得

3. 系:群(group), 组(section), 系(series):这些类群名称用在不同场合,常常有非常不同的含义,可以是种水平系睦嗳,也可以代表属以系燃兜姆掷嗟ピ的集合.







