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当前位置:首页 单词大全 settle

  1. 解决,了结,和解
  2. 安放
  3. 决定,确定
  4. 支付;结算;偿付;清算
  5. 使定居
  6. 安顿,安家,安居
  7. 平静下来,安静下来
  8. 使妥贴,使安定,处理好,料理,安排
  9. 使沉淀;使澄清
  10. 办好
  11. 使安下心来,使平静下来,使镇定,使安宁
  12. 稳定,固定
  13. 平安
  14. 结束,停息
  15. 殖民于
  16. 坐下
  17. 下沉,沉淀
  18. 结束争端
  19. 还清欠款
  20. 调停
  21. 满足
  22. (雌性动物)受孕,怀胎
  23. (食物)被消化;助消化
  24. 习惯,适应
  1. 长椅,高背长靠椅
  1. vt. & vi. 安排,安放; 安家,定居 arrange; fix up; go and live (in)
  2. vt. 解决,调停 solve; mediate; intervene
  3. vt. 支付,结算 pay
  4. vt. & vi. (使)安定 (cause to) stabilize; (cause to) maintain
  5. vi. (鸟等)飞落 (the birds, etc.) fly to somewhere
  1. a long wooden bench with a back

  1. settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground;

    "dust settled on the roofs"

  2. bring to an end; settle conclusively;

    "The case was decided"
    "The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff"
    "The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance"

  3. settle conclusively; come to terms;

    "We finally settled the argument"

  4. take up residence and become established;

    "The immigrants settled in the Midwest"

  5. come to terms;

    "After some discussion we finally made up"

  6. go under,

    "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"

  7. become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style;

    "He finally settled down"

  8. become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet;

    "The roar settled to a thunder"
    "The wind settled in the West"
    "it is settling to rain"
    "A cough settled in her chest"
    "Her mood settled into lethargy"

  9. establish or develop as a residence;

    "He settled the farm 200 years ago"
    "This land was settled by Germans"

  10. come to rest

  11. arrange or fix in the desired order;

    "She settled the teacart"

  12. accept despite lack of complete satisfaction;

    "We settled for a lower price"

  13. end a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement;

    "The two parties finally settled"

  14. dispose of; make a financial settlement

  15. become clear by the sinking of particles;

    "the liquid gradually settled"

  16. cause to become clear by forming a sediment (of liquids)

  17. sink down or precipitate;

    "the mud subsides when the waters become calm"

  18. fix firmly;

    "He ensconced himself in the chair"

  19. get one's revenge for a wrong or an injury;

    "I finally settled with my old enemy"

  20. make final; put the last touches on; put into final form;

    "let's finalize the proposal"

  21. form a community;

    "The Swedes settled in Minnesota"

  22. come as if by falling;

    "Night fell"
    "Silence fell"

If peoplesettle an argument or problem, or if somethingsettles it, they solve it, for example by making a decision about who is right or about what to do.

e.g. They agreed to try tosettle their dispute by negotiation...
e.g. Both sides are looking for ways tosettle their differences...

If peoplesettle a legal dispute or if theysettle, they agree to end the dispute without going to a court of law, for example by paying some money or by apologizing.

e.g. In an attempt tosettle the case, Molken has agreed to pay restitution...
e.g. She got much less than she would have done if she had settled out of court...

If yousettle a bill or debt, you pay the amount that you owe.


e.g. I settled the bill for my coffee and his two glasses of wine...
e.g. They settled with Colin at the end of the evening.

If somethingis settled, it has all been decided and arranged.

e.g. As far as we're concerned, the matter is settled...
e.g. That's settled then. We'll exchange addresses tonight.

Tosettle moneyon someone means to formally give it to them, for example in a will.

e.g. She offered tosettle a legacy on Katharine.

When peoplesettle a place or in a place, or when a governmentsettles them there, they start living there permanently.

e.g. Refugees settling in Britain suffer from a number of problems...
e.g. He visited Paris and eventually settled there...

If yousettle yourself somewhere orsettle somewhere, you sit down or make yourself comfortable.

e.g. Albert settled himself on the sofa...
e.g. Jessica settled into her chair with a small sigh of relief.

If somethingsettles or if yousettle it, it sinks slowly down and becomes still.


e.g. A black dust settled on the walls...
e.g. Once its impurities had settled, the oil could be graded...

If your eyessettle on orupon something, you stop looking around and look at that thing for some time.

e.g. The man let his eyessettle upon Cross's face.

When birds or insectssettle on something, they land on it from above.

e.g. Moths flew in front of it, eventually settling on the rough painted metal.

11. see also: settled

12. when the dust settles -> see dust
tosettle a score -> see score

相关词组:settle downsettle forsettle insettle onsettle up

1. 解决:知识开始于怀疑,为了寻求确定的信念我们必须要解决(settle)怀疑,一般解决怀疑的方法主要有情感方法(求助于自己的感觉倾向)、信忠团体的方法(选择那些最适合其社会团体的那一信念)和尊重的方法(求助于自己对于某特别个人或机构的尊重之感情)等;

2. 稳定:但前 瞻决定技巧若应用在三个相位的系统上却恰好能够使得放大器拥有一整个相位 的时间来让输出值稳定(settle) (传统的管线式类比/数位转换器只能利用一部 分的相位).









