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当前位置:首页 单词大全 standa...

  1. 标准,规格,水准,基准
  2. 规范
  3. 军旗,旗
  4. 本位
  5. 行为标准
  6. 道德水准
  7. 法定度量衡标准
  8. 法定含量
  9. 歌曲,流行乐曲
  10. 产品规格
  11. 模范
  12. 年级
  1. 标准的,模范的,规范(化)的
  2. 普通的,一般(性)的
  3. 权威(性)的
  4. 公认为优秀的
  5. 正常的,通常的
  6. 按一定规格制作的
  7. 合格的,合规格的
  8. 装支柱的
  9. 不依附他物生长的
  10. 一流的
  11. 本位的
  1. [C] [U] 标准,水准,规范 a level or degree of quality that is considered proper or acceptable
  2. [C] 平均质量,业务水平 average quality; specified level of proficiency
  3. [C] 旗帜,标杆 distinctive ceremonial flag; carved figure, image, etc. fixed to a pole
  4. [C] 支柱,基座 upright pole or stand
  1. [A] 标准的,规范的 serving as, used as or conforming to a standard; widely accepted as the usual form
  2. 普通的,正常的,一般的 average, normal or usual; not special or unusual
  3. 公认为权威或优秀的 of generally recognized and accepted authority or merit
  1. a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated;

    "the schools comply with federal standards"
    "they set the measure for all subsequent work"

  2. the ideal in terms of which something can be judged;

    "they live by the standards of their community"

  3. a board measure = 1980 board feet

  4. the value behind the money in a monetary system

  5. an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support);

    "distance was marked by standards every mile"
    "lamps supported on standards provided illumination"

  6. any distinctive flag

  1. conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind;

    "windows of standard width"
    "standard sizes"
    "the standard fixtures"
    "standard brands"
    "standard operating procedure"

  2. commonly used or supplied;

    "standard procedure"
    "standard car equipment"

  3. established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence;

    "a standard reference work"
    "the classical argument between free trade and protectionism"

  4. conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers;

    "standard English"
    "received standard English is sometimes called the King's English"

  5. regularly and widely used or sold;

    "a standard size"
    "a stock item"

Astandard is a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to be acceptable.

e.g. Thestandard of professional cricket has never been lower...
e.g. There will be new national standards for hospital cleanliness.

Astandard is something that you use in order to judge the quality of something else.

e.g. ...systems that were by later standards absurdly primitive.

standards are moral principles which affect people's attitudes and behaviour.

e.g. My father has always had high moral standards.

You usestandard to describe things which are usual and normal.

e.g. It wasstandard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder...
e.g. No other executive car can offer you the same level ofstandard equipment at this price.

Astandard work or text on a particular subject is one that is widely read and often recommended.

1. standard

1. (标准材质):创建2.1.2 扩展预置模型(Extended Primitives)的创建2.1.3 复合物体(Compound Objects)的建立及参数修改2.1.4 二维物体(Splines)的创建及参数的修改4.1.1 修改命令面板(Modify)概述5.1.2 标准材质(standard)的组成及参数作用6

2. 标准 标准:选择有标标 停止三项.低 (low) 设置较标准 标准(standard)设置允许在波形中有更多的伪像.如果准,低和停止低 停止低 标准 你需要监护波形中 60Hz 噪音的 ECG 中,你可能觉得它有助于停止伪像检测.(即使波形存在,







