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当前位置:首页 单词大全 stick

  1. 枝条,枯枝,柴枝
  2. 棍,棒,仗
  3. 棒状物,条状物
  4. 手杖
  5. 惩罚
  6. 棒打
  7. 有敌意的言行
  8. 家伙
  9. 呆头呆脑的人,不开窍的人
  10. 家具
  11. 小镇
  12. 乡间
  13. 指挥棒
  14. 发黏
  1. 使停止
  2. 贴,粘,黏贴,粘贴,张贴,粘住,粘着
  3. 刺,戳,刺死, 将…刺入,插入
  4. 钉住,插牢
  5. 坚持,撑持,捍卫
  6. 停留
  7. 伸出,突出,伸
  8. 放置,安置
  9. 阻塞
  10. 陷住,被困住,以...困住
  11. 固守
  12. 忍受,忍耐,容忍
  13. (使)固着
  14. 不分离
  15. 【印】把(铅字)排在排字盘里
  16. 被...难住
  17. 强加于
  18. 哽塞,梗塞
  19. 动不了,卡住
  20. 被刺入,被插入
  1. vt. & vi. 粘贴,张贴 fasten, become fastened, with glue or any substance like it
  2. vt. & vi. 插入,刺入,卡住 fix sth pointed in sth else
  3. vt. 容忍,忍受 bear; endure
  4. vi. 产生作用,生效,起作用 remain in effect, especially by being able to be proved
  1. [C] 枝条,枯枝,柴枝 a small thin branch or part of a branch that has fallen or been cut from a tree
  2. [C] 棍,棒 a long thin piece of wood used for hitting
  3. [U] 严厉对待,惩罚 severe treatment
  4. [C] 手杖,拐杖 a thin rod of wood or metal used to support the body when walking
  5. [C] 棒状物 a thin rod of any material
  6. [C] 某种类型的人 a person of the stated type
  7. [P] 边远地区,偏僻乡镇 rural areas far from cities
  1. an implement consisting of a length of wood;

    "he collected dry sticks for a campfire"
    "the kid had a candied apple on a stick"

  2. a small thin branch of a tree

  3. a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane

  4. a rectangular quarter pound block of butter or margarine

  5. informal terms for the leg;

    "fever left him weak on his sticks"

  6. a long implement (usually made of wood) that is shaped so that hockey or polo players can hit a puck or ball

  7. a long thin implement resembling a length of wood;

    "cinnamon sticks"
    "a stick of dynamite"

  8. marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking

  9. threat of a penalty;

    "the policy so far is all stick and no carrot"

  1. put, fix, force, or implant;

    "lodge a bullet in the table"
    "stick your thumb in the crack"

  2. stay put (in a certain place);

    "We are staying in Detroit; we are not moving to Cincinnati"
    "Stay put in the corner here!"
    "stick around and you will learn something!"

  3. stick to firmly;

    "Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?"

  4. be or become fixed;

    "The door sticks--we will have to plane it"

  5. endure;

    "The label stuck to her for the rest of her life"

  6. be a devoted follower or supporter;

    "The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism"
    "She sticks to her principles"

  7. be loyal to;

    "She stood by her husband in times of trouble"
    "The friends stuck together through the war"

  8. cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface;

    "stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it"

  9. fasten with an adhesive material like glue;

    "stick the poster onto the wall"

  10. fasten with or as with pins or nails;

    "stick the photo onto the corkboard"

  11. fasten into place by fixing an end or point into something;

    "stick the corner of the sheet under the mattress"

  12. pierce with a thrust using a pointed instrument;

    "he stuck the cloth with the needle"

  13. pierce or penetrate or puncture with something pointed;

    "He stuck the needle into his finger"

  14. come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation;

    "The dress clings to her body"
    "The label stuck to the box"
    "The sushi rice grains cohere"

  15. saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous;

    "They stuck me with the dinner bill"
    "I was stung with a huge tax bill"

  16. be a mystery or bewildering to;

    "This beats me!"
    "Got me--I don't know the answer!"
    "a vexing problem"
    "This question really stuck me"


Astick is a thin branch which has fallen off a tree.

e.g. ...people carrying bundles of dried sticks to sell for firewood.

Astick is a long thin piece of wood which is used for supporting someone's weight or for hitting people or animals.

e.g. He looks old and walks with astick...
e.g. Crowds armed with sticks and stones took to the streets.

Astick is a long thin piece of wood which is used for a particular purpose.


e.g. ...kebab sticks.
e.g. ...lolly sticks.

Some long thin objects that are used in sports are calledsticks .


e.g. ...lacrosse sticks.
e.g. ...hockey sticks.

Astick of something is a long thin piece of it.

e.g. ...astick of celery.
e.g. ...cinnamon sticks.

If you give someone somestick, you criticize them or tease them roughly.

e.g. It's not motorists who give you the moststick, it's the general public...
e.g. I get somestick from the lads because of my faith but I don't mind.

If you say that someone lives inthe sticks, you mean that they live a long way from any large cities.


e.g. He lived out in the sticks somewhere.

If you say that something isa stick to beat someonewith, you mean that it is used, or could be used, as a basis for criticism.

e.g. Unfortunately historic American fiction is constantly being used as astick to beat contemporary British writers with.

If someonegets the wrong end of the stick orgets hold of the wrong end of the stick, they do not understand something correctly and get the wrong idea about it.

If you say that there aremore thingsthan you could orcan shake a stick at, you are emphasizing in a humorous way that there are a lot of them.

e.g. ...a man with more medals than you can shake astick at.


If youstick something somewhere, you put it there in a rather casual way.

e.g. He folded the papers and stuck them in his desk drawer...
e.g. Jack opened his door and stuck his head out.

If youstick a pointed objectin something, or if itsticks in something, it goes into it or through it by making a cut or hole.


e.g. They sent in loads of male nurses and stuck a needle in my back...
e.g. Some punk stuck a knife in her last night...

If somethingis sticking out from a surface or object, it extends up or away from it. If somethingis sticking into a surface or object, it is partly in it.

e.g. They lay where they had fallen from the crane, sticking out of the water...
e.g. Something was sticking from the pocket of the little man's grimy shorts...

If youstick one thing to another, you attach it using glue, sticky tape, or another sticky substance.

e.g. Don't forget to clip the token andstick it on your card...
e.g. We just stuck it to the window...

If one thingsticks to another, it becomes attached to it and is difficult to remove.

e.g. The soil sticks to the blade and blocks the plough...
e.g. Peel away the waxed paper if it has stuck to the bottom of the cake...

If somethingsticks in your mind, you remember it for a long time.

e.g. The incident stuck in my mind because it was the first example I had seen of racism in that country...
e.g. That song has stuck in my head for years.

If you give someone or something a name and the namesticks, it becomes the name which most people use to refer to that person or thing.

e.g. A friend dubbed it 'The Sanctuary' and the name stuck.

If someone manages to make a charge or accusationstick, they show that the person accused is guilty of the crime or action they are accused of.

e.g. I don't see how they'll make the chargesstick...
e.g. But legal experts are not sure if such a charge canstick.

If something which can usually be movedsticks, it becomes fixed in one position.

e.g. The needle on the dial went right round to fifty feet, which was as far as it could go, and there it stuck...
仪表盘上的指针一下转到了 50 英尺处,也就是到头了,然后就停在那里不动了。
e.g. The dagger stuck tightly in the silver scabbard.

If you are in an unpleasant or difficult situation and you say that you cannotstick it, you mean that you cannot bear to remain there long.

e.g. Got a job bottle-washing at the brewery. I lasted a fortnight. I couldn'tstick it...
e.g. How long did youstick it for?

11. see also: stuck

If you say that someonecan stick something, especially a job, or if you tell them whereto stick it, you are rudely refusing it or emphasizing that you do not want it or like it.

e.g. It's a rotten play, so they canstick it...
e.g. She then stormed out in a temper telling him to 'stick his job'.

13. tostick in your throat -> see throat

相关词组:stick aroundstick atstick bystick outstick out forstick tostick togetherstick up forstick with

1. 手杖:冲击力弱8:神圣安托拉(Holy Antora )强力一击,防御力弱. 9:艾斯托克(Estoc) 不明?11:女王护卫队剑(Queen's guard)最强的武器,功防一流,同时时间的流失而流失体力12:绅士的手杖(stick) 搞笑武器,威力低,但是攻击是会有喝彩声?

2. 棒:激励和约束是一对既对立又统一的有机体:激励和约束正如胡萝卜(carrot)与大棒(stick)的关系,是一把双刃剑,激励-约束的主客体关系由对立走向统一物质激励是指通过物质刺激的手段,鼓励职工工作.

3. 棍棒:轻则停工耍赖,重则踢人.但是这种牲口又是农夫的好助手,他们经常需要骑驴代步或用驴拉磨.此时,为了让驴好好耕作,人们便想出一个办法:在驴的前面挂上一根胡萝卜(carrot)加以引诱,后面再用棍棒(stick)威逼.在这个成语里,









