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当前位置:首页 单词大全 transf...

  1. 转移
  2. 转学
  3. 让与
  4. 让渡
  5. 转变
  6. 转印
  7. 转校
  8. 使换车
  9. 使转校
  10. 描摹
  11. 转学科
  12. 调动
  13. 转让
  14. 调任
  15. 传递
  16. 转送
  17. 移置
  18. 移栽
  19. 调职
  20. 改变
  21. 变换
  22. 换车
  23. 转车
  24. 交付
  25. 转换
  26. 搬迁
  27. 转职
  28. 改变(环境)
  29. 迁移
  30. 转移(感情)
  31. 传染(疾病)
  32. 换船
  33. 换乘
  34. 转乘
  35. 转会
  36. 转系
  1. 转让
  2. 汇兑
  3. 转车车票
  4. 渡轮
  5. 过户凭单
  6. 移转
  7. 变换
  8. 过户
  9. 迁移
  10. 转让证书
  11. 移交
  12. 转运
  13. 转车地点
  14. 摆渡处
  15. 转校证书
  16. 转送
  17. 调职
  18. 调任证书
  19. 让与(证书)
  20. 授受
  1. vt. & vi. 转移; 迁移 change position; move
  1. the act of moving something from one location to another

  2. someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another;

    "the best student was a transfer from LSU"

  3. the act of transfering something from one form to another;

    "the transfer of the music from record to tape suppressed much of the background noise"

  4. a ticket that allows a passenger to change conveyances

  5. application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation

  6. transferring ownership

  1. transfer somebody to a different position or location of work

  2. move from one place to another;

    "transfer the data"
    "transmit the news"
    "transfer the patient to another hospital"

  3. lift and reset in another soil or situation;

    "Transplant the young rice plants"

  4. move around;

    "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket"

  5. cause to change ownership;

    "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"

  6. change from one vehicle or transportation line to another;

    "She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast"

  7. send from one person or place to another;

    "transmit a message"

  8. shift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes;

    "He removed his children to the countryside"
    "Remove the troops to the forest surrounding the city"
    "remove a case to another court"

  9. transfer from one place or period to another;

    "The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America"

The verb is pronounced /træns'fɜː/. The noun is pronounced /'trænsfɜː/. 动词读作 /træns'fɜː/。名词读作 /'trænsfɜː/。

If youtransfer something or someonefrom one placeto another, or theytransfer from one placeto another, they go from the first place to the second.


e.g. Remove the wafers with a spoon andtransfer them to a plate...
e.g. He wastransferred from Weston Hospital to Frenchay…

If somethingis transferred, ortransfers ,from one person or group of peopleto another, the second person or group gets it instead of the first.

e.g. I realized she'd transferred all her love from me to you...
e.g. The chances of the disease beingtransferred to humans is extremely remote…

Technologytransfer is the process or act by which a country or organization which has developed new technology enables another country or organization to use the technology.

e.g. The Philippines needs capital and technologytransfer...
e.g. There will be atransfer of technology from this country to Mongolia.

In professional sports, if a playertransfers oris transferred from one club to another, they leave one club and begin playing for another.


e.g. ...Nick Barmby who transferred from Spurs to Middlesbrough...
e.g. He wastransferred from Crystal Palace to Arsenal for £2.5 million.
他以 250 万英镑的身价从水晶宫队转入阿森纳队。

in AM, use 美国英语用 trade

If youare transferred, or if youtransfer ,to a different job or place, you move to a different job or start working in a different place.

e.g. I was transferred to the book department...
e.g. I suspect that she is going to be transferred...

When informationis transferred onto a different medium, it is copied from one medium to another.


e.g. Such information is easily transferred onto microfilm.
e.g. ...systems to create film-quality computer effects and thentransfer them to film.

When property or landis transferred, it stops being owned by one person or institution and becomes owned by another.

e.g. He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation...
e.g. Certain kinds of property are transferred automatically at death.

If youtransfer orare transferred when you are on a journey, you change from one vehicle to another.


e.g. He likes totransfer from the bus to the Blue Line at 103rd Street in Watts...
他喜欢在华兹区第 103 大街下公交车转乘地铁蓝线。
e.g. 1,654 passengers were transferred at sea to a Norwegian cruise ship.
1,654 名乘客在海上转搭了一艘挪威游轮。

transfers are pieces of paper with a design on one side. The design can be transferred by heat or pressure onto material, paper, or china for decoration.

e.g. ...gold letter transfers.

Atransfer is a ticket that you get when you leave a bus or train that allows you to go on a different bus or train without paying again.


1. 转运:目前多数人认为应该以药物达到峰效应时的分布容积(Vdpeak effect)计算为合理:进行TCI时首先注射负荷剂量(loading dose, LD),然后按照药物从机体排除(elimination)的速率与药物从中央室向周边室转运(transfer)的速率对中央室或效









