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  • n.邯郸


10月9日,(河北)邯郸市(Handan City)警方查获了一个用工业盐和染布颜料煮制猪耳朵的黑作坊。目前,当事人被依法刑事拘留。


... 香格里拉 daochengyading 稻城亚丁 Handan 邯郸 bali ...

Handan city climate of warm temperate continental monsoon climate, four distinct seasons.

邯郸市属暖温带大陆性季风气候, 四季分明.

How beautiful is the walking way of the Handan local people?

邯郸人走路的姿势究竟怎样美 呢 ?

All dukkha is clinging caused by the five Handan.


Our school is based on a nationwide Handan vocational school full - time students.

我校是一所立足于邯郸面向全国招生的 全日制 职业技术学校.

All these above give a nice chance for Handan to develop logistics.


Paula : Good idea . Which is the best supermarket in Handan?

好吧. 邯郸最好的超市是哪家?

Now, Handan Airport on August 8,2007 sailing, business transactions more convenient traffic.

现在, 邯郸机场已于2007年8月8日开航, 商务交通往来更加便利.

Handan porcelain, especially the still - renowned Chinese and foreign dishes.

邯郸的瓷器, 尤其是餐具至今仍享誉中外.

Strong and broad prospects in the Handan City Welcomes You!


Handan City, honorary president of School of Art.


Li : Wuling Cong Tai Terrace is a must, for, it is the symbol of Handan.


Is the most ancient city of Handan City, Hebei Province, China's famous ancient Cities.

邯郸市是河北省最古老的城市, 也是我国古代著名的城邑.

Handan them with historical figures, historical events are closely related to the 200.

其中与邯郸历史人物 、 历史事件密切相关的也有200则.

This paper analyses the necessity and provide a basis for the construction of Handan ( Xingtai ) - Huanghua Railway.

本文通过分析建设 邯 黄铁路的必要性,为该项目的立项建设提供依据.

The automation in production, management and administration in Handan Iron and Steel Group Company is introduced.

介绍了邯钢在生产 、 经营及管理方面实现自动化的概况.






