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当前位置:首页 单词大全 Hange


  • n.汉格

1. -> see hang 1

If youhang up or youhang up the phone, you end a phone call. If youhang up on someone you are speaking to on the phone, you end the phone call suddenly and unexpectedly.

e.g. Mum hungup the phone...
e.g. Don'thangup!...

You can usehang up to indicate that someone stops doing a particular sport or activity that they have regularly done over a long period. For example, when a footballerhangs up his boots, he stops playing football.

e.g. Keegan announced he was hangingup his boots for good...
e.g. Looking back, she feels she should never have hungup her backpack.

4. see also: hang-up;hung up


1. 挂断(电话):hang on to紧握住,坚持下去 |hangup挂断(电话) | have back要回,收回

2. 麦当娜<<吊起来>:<> Je M'appelle Helene | 麦当娜<>HangUp | 小甜甜不烂你<> Baby One More Time

Hange sales of equipment are free charge year maintenance, life - long maintenance.

我公司销售的各种焊割设备均免费维修一年, 终身维护.

Hange tools, welding tongs manufacturing ( involving permits or special approval to operate with valid documents ).

焊割工具 、 电焊钳制造 ( 凡涉及许可证或专项审批的凭有效证件经营 ).

My company mainly sells a variety of welding, machine, welding rod, Hange torch, and other accessories.

我公司主要销售各种焊机 、 切割机;焊丝 、 焊条 、 焊枪等各种焊割配件.

上一个:hang up

下一个:hanging method




