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Hundred Days...
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Hundred Days

  • n.[史]百日王朝(拿破仑一世第二次统治法国时期的称谓;从1815年3月20日至6月28日;约百日)


拿氏从爱尔 巴岛逃脱﹐以及「百日王朝(Hundred Days)的短暂时期﹐大大警醒了各联盟国。 虽然拿氏最终在滑铁卢之役战败﹐并放逐到圣海娜岛﹐「四强仍然坚持要使法国 永久中立。


To preview and buy music from 第几个100(Hundred Days) by 林俊杰(JJ Lin), download iTunes now.


很高兴可以站在这里向大家介绍我自己 » Very happy that we can stand here to tell you about my own 百天 » Hundred Days 动物是我们的朋友 » Animal are our friends ..



In the next hundred days, I will strongly consider losing my cool. (Laughter.)


Senator George Mitchell had to have twelve votes to break filibusters just in my first hundred days.


Finally, I believe that my next hundred days will be so successful I will be able to complete them in 72 days. (Laughter.)


When a Hundred Days are up , Xiaoqi returns to the celestial palace.


After three weeks , one sits uprightstill for a Hundred Days.

从三七后, 端坐安居,经一百日.

The ancients said: put temporary filling may be Hundred Days of worry - free.

古人云: 忍得一时之气,可免百日之忧.

During these Hundred Days a great change in the situation has occurred.


In summer tassel, Luan tree, acacia , Hystrix real, Weigela flowers, rose, red flowering continuously Hundred Days.

夏季有流苏, 滦树, 合欢 、 猬实 、 锦带花, 月季 、 百日红等植物开花不断.

The cost is about sixteen thousand dollars for the one Hundred Days semester.



下一个:hundreds dial




