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Monkey King详...
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Monkey King


孙悟空(Monkey King):斗克服佛; 猪八戒(Pig):净坛使臣;


美猴王Monkey King): Jasper National Park, Canada


更多相关信息 在百度搜 西游记-孙敬修播讲 ( Monkey King )的信息 在谷歌搜 西游记-孙敬修播讲 ( Monkey King )的信息 在雅虎搜 西游记-孙敬修播讲 ( Monkey King )的信息 在搜狗搜 西游记...


这节目讲的是猴王Monkey King)的故事 。。

The Monkey King is not just any normal monkey.


Four years later, he began to learn to perform the Monkey King, a traditional character from the Chinese classic story Journey to the West.


The Monkey King has a magic stick.


Monkey King had to seek help from Guanyin ( a Bodhisattva ).


People say this is the cave dwelling of the Monkey King.


The Monkey King sought masters everywhere, and finally mastered extraordinary ability.

孙悟空四处求师学艺, 终于学成了通天的本领.

The most important thing is to have a far - off top - the Monkey King.

最主要的是顶上有个远客 —— 孙悟空.

The Monkey King mask seemed to smile.


Monkey King, be polite to Goddess!

悟空, 你怎么可以这样跟观音姐姐讲话呢?

He plays the Monkey King.


David dressed up as Monkey King.


The Monkey King'is an extraordinary tale with a strange twist at the end.


Monkey King, you have so many excuses. You don't want to get scr 'ufffd 'ufffd ptures in the west.

观音:哼!悟空, 你诸多借口, 你根本就不想去取西经!

You think you are the Monkey King who can create havoc in Heaven? You flatter yourself!

你以为你是孙悟空 吗,还想翻天呢,没门儿!

This is said to be the exact spot where the Monkey King was born.


上一个:May Day

下一个:mid-autumn festival




