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Ureteral ste...
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Ureteral stent

  • 输尿管展伸器


双J管在腹腔镜泌尿外科手术中的应用-临床医学论文-论文联盟 关键词】 上尿路梗阻;双J管;输尿管支架;腹腔镜术 [gap=1097]Key words】 Upper urinary obstruction;DoubleJ stent;Ureteral stent;Laparoscopy


... Ureteral stent 输尿管展伸器 Stent malapposition 支架贴壁不良 Neuroform stent 颅内镍钛支架 ...

Conclusion Ureteral stent is a factor for causing obstruction in normal ureter.


Our findings reveal that the presence of a ureteral stent is associated with an increase in the risk of PVN.

我们的发现提示输尿管支架管的存在和发生PV N风险提高相关。

Objective To evaluate the role of double J ureteral stent in the management of upper urinary tract diseases.


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