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Wholesale Bu...
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Wholesale Buyer

  • 批发采购员


... Assistant Customer Executive客户管理助理 Wholesale Buyer批发采购员 Tele-Interviewer电话调查员 Real Estate Appraiser房地产评估师 ...


... assistant personnel officer 人事助理 Wholesale Buyer 成批出售采集购买员 supervisor归属无下级被带领的官位,比一般staff要高,但不克不及安享manager待遇. ...


... Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员购员 Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理 Marketing Intern 市场实习习 ...


... 销售助理sales assistant 零售推销员Wholesale Buyer 电话调查员tele-interviewer ...

The company is a big importer of cod and haddock, and is now a major buyer of tilapia, which it sells wholesale as well as under its Sea Cuisine brand.

该公司进口大批真鳕和黑线鳕,现在也是罗非鱼的主要买家,用于批发及旗下Sea Cuisine品牌海鲜的销售。

K. T. A. WHOLESALE LTD. is a foreign buyer from Malta, need to purchase products of ceramics etc. categories.


So the friend, a buyer for one of the Chicago wholesale houses, felt, perforce, the necessity of stopping.


上一个:wholesale price

下一个:wholesale trade




