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  • n.阳朔县(中国广西壮族自治区地名)

1. 阳朔:我们住在阳朔(Yangshuo)外面的晁龙村(Chao Long village),绝对绝对令我高兴的是我们选择了这里. 早晨我们醒来就可以看到美丽的风景,听到蟋蟀的叫声,相反如果住在镇子里面的话我们则需要在外面不停的音乐和霓虹灯的照耀下努力入睡.

2. 阳朔县:阳朔县(Yangshuo)中心的讨人喜欢的酒店. 从门外的阳台还有从阳台的窗户看到的美妙景色. 房间很大,有着好看的中国家具. 绝佳的方位,刚好位于这个县的中间,挨着一条小河. 没有电梯但是只有一层楼要爬. 显示更多

We are impressed greatly by the beautiful views in Yangshuo.


I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the mountains of Yangshuo.


Formerly the pleasure ships were anchored in a small town - Yangshuo.


Sure, let's cruise the Li River down to Yangshuo.

当然可以, 我们去游览漓江,直抵阳朔吧.

Foreigners are attracted by the beautiful scenery in Guilin and Yangshuo.

(外国游客被桂林和阳朔美丽的风景所吸引. )

China Yangshuo is located in the mountains, such as a Bilian, graceful.

中国阳朔位于群山环抱中, 如碧莲一朵, 清新可人.

Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere , and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin.

桂林山水甲天下, 阳朔山水甲桂林.

Yangshuo TianLuoNian: The field snail here is very special.

阳朔田螺酿: 这里的田螺非常特别.

In Yangshuo, My soul peacefully enjoys the simple, natural and easying life style!

在阳朔,一种纯朴 、 自然、休闲的生活方式直逼心灵!

STEADY stream of boats filled with Chinese tourists lines the Li river from Guilin to Yangshuo.


Yangshuo xin fu an hotel has 108 gust rooms, the hotel furnished with the band network service.

阳朔新富安大酒店拥有108间装修豪华 、 高雅、环境舒适的四星标准客房.

Goes to Guilin, Yangshuo, the dragon keel terraced field self - service from Beijing to tour.

从北京去桂林 、 阳朔 、 龙脊梯田 自助 游.

The medieval town of Yangshuo is among the most popular destinations for domestic travellers.


He adores Xu Wei , Ba Da , and Si Tao script, and the Eight Eccentrics of Yangshuo.

又潜心于历代书法名家的篆、 、 、、各体, 而自成一家, 书法造诣极深.

I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the mountains of Yangshuo.


Round group Leader Mountain from the fishing village can hope to see Yangshuo.


Take a train from Wuchang to Guilin, Guilin and then transfer to Yangshuo on the line.

坐火车从武昌到桂林, 然后从桂林转车到阳朔就行了.

Cycling tour, hiking, rock climbing and drifting are the hottest tour and sports ways of Yangshuo.

自行车旅游 、 步旅游 、 岩、流等是我们阳朔当地最热门的旅游方式和运动方式.


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