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名词 absentmindedness:
  1. preoccupation so great that the ordinary demands on attention are ignored

You will have to put up with Grace's absent-mindedness.


In a fit of absent - mindedness , she put her dress on back to front.

她突然 心不在焉, 把衣服前后穿倒了.

Then she caught herself with a sniff at her own absent - mindedness.


The mistake sprang from his absent - mindedness.


The teacher wigged him for absent - mindedness .

教师呵斥他 心不在焉.

I passed on, very thankful that the uproar of the street screened my momentary absent - mindedness .

我继续前进, 庆幸这条街道的喧闹掩饰了我一时的 心不在焉.

Hanfeng looked at Siyu's face, detecting a familiar absent - mindedness .

瀚峰端详着思玉的脸, 觉察到一种熟悉的 心不在焉 的神情.

Absent - mindedness in our work will often lead to unwanted losses.

工作的时候 心不在焉,经常会带来不必要的损失.

His absent - mindedness during work caused a great loss to the company.

他工作时 心不在焉,给公司造成了很大损失.

I think the boy's absent - mindedness accounted much for the accident.


The shock of losing my wallet cured me of my former absent - mindedness .

丢失钱包令我震惊,也让我改掉了原先 心不在焉 的毛病.

Absent - mindedness occurs at all ages because of imperfections in the working memory system.


Another common experience of absent - mindedness: walking into a room and wondering why you're there.

另一类具有共性的走神是: 走进屋子里,疑惑自己为什么在这里.

The shock of losing my purse cured me of all my former absent - mindedness .

失去钱包的打击,使我一改过去 心不在焉 的坏毛病.

Absent - mindedness in performing one's duty may result in serious accidents.







