字1 字21 字41 字61 字81 字101 成语1 成语21 成语41 成语61 成语81 成语101 词语1 词语101 词语201 词语301 词语401 词语501 词语601 单词1 单词21 单词41 单词61 单词81 单词101 诗词1 诗词101 诗词201 诗词301 诗词401 诗词501 诗词601 诗人1 诗人21 诗人41 诗人61 诗人81 诗人101 名句1 名句21 名句41 名句61 名句81 名句101 近反义词1 近反义词21 近反义词41 近反义词61 近反义词81 近反义词101 造句1 造句101 造句201 造句301 造句401 造句501 造句601 字笔顺1 字笔顺21 字笔顺41 字笔顺61 字笔顺81 字笔顺101 歇后语1 谜语1 谜语11 谜语21 文言文1 文言文2 文言文3 百家姓1 百家姓2 百家姓3 字列表1 字列表51 字列表101 字列表151 字列表201 单词列表1 单词列表51 单词列表101 单词列表151 单词列表201 诗人列表1 诗人列表51 诗人列表101 诗人列表151 诗人列表201 诗歌列表1 诗歌列表51 诗歌列表101 诗歌列表151 诗歌列表201 诗句列表1 诗句列表51 诗句列表101 诗句列表151 诗句列表201 成语列表1 成语列表51 成语列表101 成语列表151 成语列表201 词语列表1 词语列表51 词语列表101 词语列表151 词语列表201 组词列表1 组词列表51 组词列表101 组词列表151 组词列表201
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英['æmbɪt] 美['æmbɪt]

  1. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control:

    "the range of a supersonic jet"
    "a piano has a greater range than the human voice"
    "the ambit of municipal legislation"
    "within the compass of this article"
    "within the scope of an investigation"
    "outside the reach of the law"
    "in the political orbit of a world power"

This case falls clearly within the ambit of the 2001 act.


Her case falls within the ambit of moral law.


Art as an open concept revises ambit continually and takes on new member.


This point, however, hardly falls within the ambit of a book about nutrition.

然而这一点, 几乎不落在关于营养的书籍的?围之内.

Archaism ancient charm and ancient raining spring ( Guyuchun ) are the ambit of Guyuchun Tea.


Meanwhile , Buddhism , whose doctrine , manners and ambit had something in common with the hermitic life, appealed to the intellectuals seclude.

佛家遁迹山林的修行方式 、 清静超脱的人生境界也吸引着唐代文人奔趋山林.

The tiptop ambit of regional economic and financial cooperation just is complete economic integration historicpresent world.


Between the Debate of Literature " ambit " and the " Aestheticization of Everyday Life "

在文学 “ 边界 ” 之争与 “ 日常生活审美化 ” 之间.

This case falls clearly within the ambit of the 2001 act.


Her case falls within the ambit of moral law.


  • Both motor boats and lawn-mowers came into the ambit of this modest indulgence.

    出自:W. S. Churchill






